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Embrace Your Transformation


You Deserve A Life You Love

The search for wisdom and the need for self-discovery is one of the most important journeys you'll take in your lifetime. Without it, we feel lost in life, moving through each day without any clear focus or direction.

The Higherself Kickstarter is a coaching program that allows you to study the ancient practices of yoga and astrology so you can discover your life purpose, become more self-aware, and finally start taking life into your own hands.

Let's Talk

The Higher Self Kickstarter

Book Your Astro Readings

When you join the Higher Self Kickstarter, you'll schedule a birth chart and transit reading to propel your self-discovery and better understand your natural tendencies. Together, we'll dive deeper into your personality, areas for growth, and talk about your life direction according to your chart. 

Take The Higher Self Kickstarter

The Higher Self Kickstarter is an online coaching program where you'll learn to practice yoga philosophy, manage anxiety, study astrology, do shadow work, and more. Plus, we'll gradually move through a yoga practice, so you can build your yoga practice from the ground up.

You'll also get lifetime access to our Group Coaching, where you'll go through the entire program with support and accountability.

Enjoy Lifetime Astro Yoga Classes

You'll have LIFETIME access to the Higher Self Group Coaching AND our on-demand Astro Yoga & Meditation classes. Build an ongoing Astro Yoga practice that helps you feel more in tune with yourself and more in touch with the natural environment we live in here on earth.

Let's Talk

Your Highest Self Is Waiting

Get Lifetime Access To:

  • The Higher Self Kickstarter
  • Seasonal Higher Self Group Coaching 
  • The Astro Yoga Experience
  • Weekly Astrology Forecast
  • Mobile App Access

Plus, a free birth chart OR transit reading to get you jump started on your self-discovery journey. 

Let's Talk

Let's Talk About Your Goals! 🙌🏽

"I learned the importance of discipline and how to stay in the moment" Jalila


"A light that guided me in the direction that I needed" - Miah