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Yoga Poses to Remove Neck and Shoulder Tension

yoga poses for... Feb 18, 2021


Yoga Poses For Neck and Shoulders

Our neck and shoulders tend to carry emotional stress and tension. When stress is compounded by poor posture, computer work, cell phone usage and sleeping positions, it’s no wonder that painful necks and shoulders seem to have become a part of life. 

By adding a few neck and shoulder opening yoga poses to your daily routine, you can begin to release the tension and alleviate yourself from uncomfortably tight necks and shoulders. 

Below are my 6 favorite yoga poses to loosen tight necks and shoulders.

1. Ear to Shoulder/Neck Rolls 

  • Come to a seat on your knees 
  • Drop your left ear toward your left shoulder 
  • Inhale here. Exhale, roll your head toward your heart and circle your head to the right 
  • Lift your head back to center
  • Drop your right ear toward your right shoulder 
  • Inhale here. Exhale, roll your head toward your heart and circle your head to the left 
  • Lift your head back to center 
  • Repeat 5 times


2. Cat/Cow Stretch

  • Start on your hands and knees with a neutral spine.
  • Inhale, point your tailbone in the air, lower your belly and lift your chest and nose gently towards the ceiling. 
  • Exhale, round your back by pointing your tailbone down and setting your eyes on your belly button. 
  • Repeat 5 times.


3. Child's Pose with Block

  • Start on your hands and knees with a neutral spine.
  • Open your knees wide with big toes touching each other. 
  • Lower your hips to your heels and extend your arm forward. 
  • Take two blocks and place them under each elbow. 
  • Drop your chin to your chest 
  • Gently press your chest into the floor and relax.


4. Thread the Needle

  • Start on your hands and knees with a neutral spine.
  • Inhale, lift your right arm towards the ceiling and open your chest towards the side wall. 
  • Exhale, move that arm below your chest and between your left hand and leg. 
  • Allow your arm and head to lay on the mat. Setting your eyes on the fingertips of your right hand. 
  • Switch sides. 


5. Eagle Arms

  • Start in a comfortable seated position. 
  • Extend both arms straight in front of the body. 
  • Drop left arm under your right to create an X shape. 
  • Bend your elbows on both arms and raise your forearms together 
  • If you can, place the fingertips of your left hand on the bottom of your right palm. 
  • Lift your chest and pull shoulder blades down to the ground. 
  • Hold for 5 breaths then switch sides. 


6. Cow Face Arms

  • Start in a comfortable seated position. 
  • Extend your right arm towards the ceiling and your left arm behind your back. 
  • Keeping the right arm extended, bend the elbow and place your right hand behind your back. 
  • If possible, meet your right and left hands together behind your back. 
  • Lean back gently to intensify the stretch. 
  • Switch sides


Walkthrough each pose step-by-step with me here: https://youtu.be/1Ewti5fKqYo



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