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Yoga Poses for Virgo

astrology yoga poses for... Sep 14, 2022

Virgo (August 22– September 23) is the sixth of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Historically ruled by Mercury, there are deep connections between Virgo and Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer.

An Earth sign, the chakra associated with Virgo is the throat chakra. The parts of the body associated with Virgo are the abdomen and intestines, and it governs the digestive system.  

Represented by the symbol of a young woman who has an ear of corn in her hand and a child in her lap, the Sanskrit word for her is kanya, which translates to virgin or maiden. She is the symbol of fertility and purity.

Virgos are the perfectionists of the zodiac. They can be critical of themselves and others. Because they can be so hard on themselves, Virgos benefit from poses that are restorative in nature. Yoga poses that stimulate and improve digestion are also helpful for this sign.

Symbol: Virgin

Chakra: Throat

Body Parts in Focus: Abdomen, Intestines, Digestive system

Planet Ruler: Chiron (modern), Mercury (traditional)

Element: Earth

If you have Virgo in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Virgo season.


4 Yoga Poses for Virgo

1. Legs up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This pose helps restore balance for nervous Virgo energy that can sometimes tend to worry about everything. Viparita translates as “inverted” and karani as “in action”. It inverts the usual position of the body and also the actions that happen in the body when it is in a sitting or standing position.

Viparita karani is beneficial to the body and mind in many ways. It sends lymph and other fluids to the lower belly, thus nourishing the reproductive area. It also boosts circulation in the upper body and head. For Virgo, who is always doing things, it teaches that much can be achieved by doing less.


2. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Savasana is said to be the most difficult of all poses in yoga. Virgos can find it hard to relax. This pose makes Virgo do just that, which is why it is such an important pose for them to practice.

This pose is a gift for Virgos. It helps get into a deeply relaxed state, which can feel challenging for most of us who are always caught up with thoughts of things to do.

The key to getting Savasana right is to take it one moment at a time. Slowly and gradually, letting go of one thought, one muscle, one effort.


3. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

This is a pose that is both challenging and invigorating. It stretches all of the side body, the arms, and the legs. The rib cage opens, allowing the breath to become deeper. 

Doing this pose right needs engagement and presence. This is wonderful for Virgo who thrives on challenging herself and needs the focus. It helps align the body both vertically and horizontally, expanding the sense of self in every direction.

Extended side angle space creates space in the body and mind. It helps uncover and connect with our true, authentic selves.


4. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

This pose provides both – it stimulates the abdominal muscles and intestines, helping Virgo with digestive issues, and is restorative in nature, lengthening and strengthening the spine. And Virgo can always do with some rest.

A beginner’s pose, it has a lot to offer everyone. The body is in resting position while there is an internal detoxification process that is happening in the organs of the digestive system.

Supine spinal twist is also a great stretch for the neck, shoulders, spine, back, and thighs. It can help relieve lower back pain and relax tight shoulders.


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