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Yoga Poses for Scorpio

astrology yoga poses for... Nov 09, 2022

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22) is the eighth of the 12 signs of the zodiac. The most powerful sign, it was historically ruled by the warlike planet Mars, but its modern ruler is Pluto.

The element of Scorpio is water and it is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra. The parts of the body associated with Scorpio are the reproductive organs, pelvis, urinary bladder, and rectum.

This is the only sign that is represented by three animals: the scorpion, the snake, and the eagle. It is a sexual sign that is associated with the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.

The yoga for this sign is one that helps in becoming friends with our deepest fears. It challenges us to lean into discomfort without the masochism of full-blown pain. It teaches us to see the bigger picture and experience freedom.

Symbol: Scorpio 

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Body Parts in Focus: Reproductive organs, Pelvis, Urinary bladder, Rectum

Planet Ruler: Pluto, Historically Mars

Element: Water

If you have Scorpio in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Scorpio season.


4 Yoga Poses for Scorpio

1. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

This is a beginner level backbend that is wonderful for opening the heart and creating grounding. The pose is so gentle that it is perfect for absorbing Scorpio’s energy through the back.

You can visualize this pose as a conduit to exchange energy between the underworld and the heavens, something Scorpio is naturally drawn to. The key is to settle into the pose and breathe deeply for as long as it feels good.

Sphinx pose encourages Scorpio to rise above everyday concerns and see the bigger picture. It strengthens the spine, stimulates abdominal organs, and relieves stress.


2. Squat Pose (Malasana)

Also known as Garland Pose, it keeps us on the move. Squat pose helps us develop ankle flexibility and strength. It is actually a resting pose. In many Asian cultures, people gather and sit in this pose.

This pose provides Scorpio with stability while she is doing the work of finding her edge. The palms in this pose are pressed together in front of the heart. You can use this position of the hands to honor the dark night that Scorpio has to go through for it to progress through its three stages.

Squat pose helps to open the root chakra and move energy up the spine into the heart space.


3. Bound Side Lunge (Baddha Skandasana)

Binding postures serve to dissolve Scorpio’s negative energy. They first generate resistance and then open to release any energy that is not serving us any longer.

This pose opens and warms the heart. It also frees the hips and the hamstrings. An ideal for Scorpio, this pose is one that signifies effortless transition. It can be used in countless ways to move from one posture to another.

This is also a great pose for grounding. It opens the pelvis and releases the emotions that Scorpio, being the sign of the reproductive organs, tends to store there.


4. Frog Pose (Mandukasana)

Frog pose is a hip opener that gently releases the hips. It is a pose that helps Scorpio connect with the water element.

This is a pose that can get intense very quickly. The key to avoiding any injuries is to be mindful of physical sensations and use the breath to go deeper. This is the reason this pose often incorporates breathing and mindfulness practices.

The introduction of Frog pose usually occurs later in a yoga practice when the body is already warm. It offers both physical and emotional benefits. It is also good for developing core strength.

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