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Yoga Poses for Sagittarius

astrology yoga poses for... Dec 14, 2022

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22) is the ninth of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

The ruler of this sign is Jupiter, the planet of expansion and preservation. Its element is fire and the associated chakra is the sacral chakra. The parts of the body associated with Sagittarius are the thighs and legs, correlating with this sign’s desire to be everywhere and travel far and wide.

Represented by the symbol of the Archer, Sagittarius is a centaur with a bow and an arrow. There is a happy-go-lucky outlook that this sign embodies.

The yoga for this sign takes inspiration from the discipline of the archer who is adept at balancing effort and relaxation, sthira and sukha. The practice is grounding, centering, energizing, and one that improves focus. Sagittarius can use yoga to set an intention and consciously direct focus on its chosen target. Attention is brought back again and again to a fixed point.

Symbol: Archer

Chakra: Sacral

Body Parts in Focus: Thighs, Legs

Planet Ruler: Jupiter

Element: Fire

If you have Sagittarius in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Sagittarius season.


4 Yoga Poses for Sagittarius

1. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose explores the entirety of the stretch of the archer’s bow. Named just right for Sagittarius, this pose is a heart-opening backbend that stretches the hips and the hamstrings. It also does other things – strengthens the back, improves posture, and opens the chest and the shoulders.

The key to doing this pose is not forgetting to breathe. The posture enables deep breathing as it stretches the diaphragm. The front, back, and sides of the body are expanded and open.

Breathing more deeply will help you relax and keep the million thoughts that run in the mind of Sagittarius out of the head.


2. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

 Triangle pose stretches and strengthens the whole body. It is a pose that brings stability and expands the chest.

This is a wonderful pose for Sagittarius as it requires concentration, awareness of both breath and body, and balance. The concentrated narrowing of attention that this pose demands helps bring a wandering mind back to the mat, again and again.

There are ways to make this pose more accessible. Use a block or chair as props, or you can even do it seated in a chair. It works on the hips and thighs, both parts that Sagittarius rules, along with the hamstrings and the spine.


3. King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakopotasana)

This pose is a deep hip opener. When the hips open, there is improved circulation to the legs and a better range of motion. Open hips also make seated postures easier, especially if you want to sit for a longer time in meditation.

King pigeon pose needs to be approached consciously. Because it can be intense, it is important to focus on alignment. The breath is a friend in this pose that you can use to rely on.

It is helpful to start by using the variations of this pose that are more gentle and put less stress on the knees and sacrum.


4. Revolved Lunge Pose (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

Revolved lunge pose helps to ignite the internal fire. It works really well for Sagittarius’ fire element.

This is a foundational pose that asks us to slow down. The slower it is, the deeper we can go into this twist. The breath becomes a guide, support, and anchor. Inhale to create length and the exhale comes naturally helping to move further into the twist.

Mindfulness is the key to this pose. Practicing this pose prepares the body for both balancing poses and standing twists. It opens the body so life force can flow more easily.


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