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Yoga Poses for Libra

astrology yoga poses for... Aug 16, 2022

Libra (September 24 – October 23) is the seventh of the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Associated with the heart chakra, Libra is known as the relationship sign. Its element is Air.

Libra is symbolized by the weighing scales, representing the balancing process of karma. It is associated with the lower back, hips, kidneys, and endocrines.

The keyword for Libra is balance. It is what gives this sign a rational and sometimes detached approach. The yoga for this sign is naturally one that helps balance pairs of opposites – stillness and movement, masculine and feminine, night and day, hot and cold, Sun and Moon, order and chaos.

Balancing these pairs of opposites is what creates healing for Libra, not just on the mat but also off it. When the heart chakra opens for this sign, it helps develop a sense of love and compassion.


Symbol: Scales

Chakra: Heart

Body Parts in Focus: Lower back, Hips, Kidneys, Endocrines

Planet Ruler: Venus

Element: Air

If you have Libra in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Libra season.


4 Yoga Poses for Libra

1. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama)

This is a breathing technique aimed to restore balance within the body. If Libra had to choose any one yoga practice, this one it would be.

Alternate nostril breathing cleanses and purifies the subtle channels of both body and mind. It has a host of wide-reaching benefits: it clears and releases toxins from the body, it brings the hormones into balance, it balances the masculine and feminine energies, it brings into balance the left and right sides of the brain, and it reduces stress and anxiety.

It is a simple practice to incorporate into your daily yoga routine. It can also be done as a standalone practice.


2. Warrior Pose 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior Pose 2 is aimed at enhancing strength and stamina. The gaze of the practitioner remains steady and calm. Staying in the pose with the breath and gaze as the two anchors builds resolve and focus.

For Libra, this pose realigns the body and mind. It harmonizes the physical, mental, and energy bodies. It also brings balance between steadiness and ease, known as sthira and sukha in yoga.

Warrior Pose 2 helps to ground Libra energy as it roots the practitioner firmly through the feet. This provides stability and centering to Libra’s air energy.


3. Seated Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Also known as Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, this pose provides a deep and restorative twist. It does both things – strengthens and rejuvenates.

This is a wonderful pose for the endocrine system, the system of the body that Libra rules. The twist squeezes and compresses the abdomen thereby stimulating both pancreatic and hormonal secretions.

Usually practiced towards the end of a sequence, it boosts flow to the disks and builds strength and flexibility in the muscles that support the spine. It also helps stimulate digestion, relieves constipation, and improves posture.


4. Goddess Squat (Utkata Konasana)

This pose opens the hips and chest and works wonderfully for Libra’s heart chakra. There is much power in this pose as it builds strength and determination, both inner and outer.

Goddess squat helps find balance inside and out. This is a perfectly symmetrical pose and symmetry is what Libra impersonates.

There are many benefits of this pose: it creates warmth in the body and heart; it strengthens the lower part of the body and stretches the upper half; it releases emotional tension; it is grounding and calming. It also creates space in the pelvic area.

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