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Yoga Poses for Leo

astrology yoga poses for... Aug 17, 2022

Leo (July 23– August 21) is the fifth of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Ruled by the bold Sun, it is a fiery sign. It is associated with the Fire element and its related chakra is the third eye.

The parts of the body associated with Leo are the heart, spine, upper back, and spleen. Its symbol, the lion, holds great importance in traditional mythology. Embodying the spirit of the lion, Leos are born leaders and have a regal nature. They are extroverts, full of courage and ambition.

A yoga practice for this sign is aimed at building fierce confidence alongside opening Leo’s loving and big heart. It is intended to bring balance between the strength and courage of this sign and Leo’s ability to be in harmony with those around them.

A helpful tip is to visualize the warm and radiating energy of the sun throughout the practice.

Symbol: Lion

Chakra: Third Eye

Body Parts in Focus: Heart, Spine, Upper Back, Spleen

Planet Ruler: Sun

Element: Fire

If you have Leo in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Leo season.


4 Yoga Poses for Leo

1. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)

This is a foundation pose that needs to be practiced with attention and focus. It extends the whole body and creates length. Use this pose to connect with the energy of the Sun.

Upward Salute helps you stand tall. It brings in a sense of empowerment and deep confidence. There is a grounding down through the feet while the arms are raised overhead. It is a beautiful coming together of two opposing forces.

Take some time in this pose to close your eyes and be supported by the ground beneath you while also feeling the full strength of your body. And breathe.  


2. Lion Pose (Simhasana)

Literally lion’s pose, it involves sitting in a kneeling position and making a facial expression with the tongue out to resemble a lion. You can also make a roaring sound.

This is a playfully fierce pose, aimed at invoking the force and intensity of a lion’s roar. It is a powerful pose for those who stutter or suffer from bad breath.

It is a good pose to begin an asana or pranayama practice with. It relieves tension in the face and stimulates certain parts of the throat. This prevents the drooping of the throat as we age.


3. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

For a Leo, sun salutations are a tribute to its ruler planet, the Sun. The many variations of the sun salutation can be practiced with the intent to radiate with the energy of the Sun.

Sun Salutation makes for an effective practice for Leo as it helps connect with the innate strength and courage of this sign. The various combinations of poses that are calming with those that are activating help restore balance in this sign that is fierce yet warm.

Leo can benefit much from using sun salutations as a continuous flow – more vinyasa.   


4. Powerful Pose (Utkatasana)

Also known as Fierce Seat, Chair Pose is a strengthening pose. It builds heat and brings together all the parts of the body in unison.

Chair pose resonates with the energy of a Leo – it is a practice in determination, strength, perseverance, and commitment. It also brings in alignment life energy in and around you.

This pose demands strength and stamina while at the same time also bringing focus on the breath. It is a wonderfully energizing pose that tests consistency and effort in practice. It is a great pose for the heart and strengthens the core and thighs.

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