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Yoga Poses for Gemini

astrology yoga poses for... May 26, 2023

Gemini (May 22 – June 21) is the third of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Ruled by the planet of communication Mercury, Geminis are the communicators of the zodiac.

The chakra aligned to Gemini is the throat chakra and its element is air. The parts of the body associated with this sign are the shoulders, arms, and hands.

Symbolized by the “twins”, Gemini embodies the idea of two opposites coming together – the sun and the moon, the feminine and the masculine, night and day, and stillness and movement.

The yoga for this sign is representative of these two complementary opposites. It explores this duality within the body, bringing heaven and earth together. It also helps calm the chatter that goes on in a Gemini’s very active mind.

A useful tip for someone with strong Gemini energy in their charts is to pay attention to the breath while doing yoga so the mind can be focused on the present moment.

Symbol: The twins

Chakra: Throat

Body Parts in Focus: Shoulders, Arms, Hands

Planet Ruler: Mercury

Element: Air

If you have Gemini in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Gemini season.


4 Yoga Poses for Gemini

1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Geminis tend to accumulate stress and tension in their shoulders. Always on the go, always looking for the next thing to do, there’s a lot “on their shoulders”.

Cobra pose is an excellent backbend that both opens the heart and stretches the entire upper body. It helps release tightness in the shoulders and ease soreness in the upper body.

Geminis can tend to feel depleted after expending all their energy on ten million things. Cobra pose also helps boost energy and fight any fatigue. You can adjust the intensity of this pose by placing the elbows according to your needs. 

2. Plow Pose (Halasana)

This is a great pose for strengthening the shoulders and stretching the spine. It releases tension in the neck and throat, helping the throat chakra to cleanse and open.

A lot is going on for a Gemini at any point in time. This pose does just that – a lot. It helps to regulate the breath, thus calming down the nervous system. It also gradually lengthens the breath, thereby aiding the respiratory system. And, one of the biggest advantages this pose has for a Gemini is creating a relaxed and focused energy.

One should be careful while doing this pose to avoid any strain or injury to the neck.


3. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

This pose helps connect with Gemini’s air energy. It is a backbend that is energizing and opens the heart.

Camel pose helps create space in the back body. It relieves lower back pain and is great for improving posture. The key to getting this pose right is using the breath to go deeper. Connecting to the breath is an effective way for a Gemini to harness and direct any scattered energies.

What this pose also offers is a sense of empowerment. It counteracts the harmful effects of long sitting and strengthens almost all of the body.


4. Dancer Pose (Natarajasana)

This is a pose that brings balance, something the duality that exists within a Gemini really needs. It is a pose for discipline, again something that a Gemini struggles with.

Dancer pose is an advanced asana that creates a deep backbend. It is a steadying pose that takes focus, patience, and practice. Some of the poses that help prepare for this pose are the easier balancing poses like Tree Pose and Cow Face Pose.

Practicing this pose has numerous benefits. It improves balance and focus. It also heightens body awareness and builds a deep sense of confidence.

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