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Yoga Poses for Capricorn

astrology yoga poses for... Jan 12, 2023

Capricorn (December 23 – January 20) is the tenth of the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is ruled by the stoic Saturn, a planet that represents responsibility, hard work, and determination.

The chakra associated with Capricorn is the root chakra and its associated element is earth. The parts of the body that this sign governs are the knees, bones, and skin.  

Represented by the symbol of the mythical sea goat, this is the most reliable and stable sign of the zodiac. Capricorns embody the qualities of wisdom, responsibility, and will. They are both grounded and ambitious, a combination that always keeps them rooted no matter how far and high they go.

The period that this sign covers is one that involves leaving behind the old year and stepping into the new year.

Capricorns can struggle with opening up emotionally. The yoga for this sign is one that helps with the knees and skeletal system and also opens the heart.

Symbol: Sea goat

Chakra: Root

Body Parts in Focus: Knees, Bones, Skin

Planet Ruler: Saturn

Element: Earth

If you have Capricorn in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Capricorn season.


4 Yoga Poses for Capricorn

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This is a foundational pose that is essential for a yoga practice. Though it may seem simple in the beginning, there is a lot going on at any time while you are in it. It is a pose that needs complete attention.

Mountain pose enhances stability and empowers. It supports the Capricorn energy of scaling mountain peaks while going into the depths of the inner world.

This pose teaches us to take a pause and rest. It promotes good posture as it teaches us about alignment and minuscule adjustments in the body. It also helps boost energy and overcome fatigue.


2. Dancer Pose (Natarajasana)

This is a deep backbend that opens the heart. Dancer pose embodies the energy of Capricorn – its persistent ambition along with its grounded-ness.

Named after the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja, the King of Dance, this pose requires us to be patient, focused, and determined. It also helps us connect to the calm within.

Dancer pose taps into the wisdom of Capricorn by practicing balance and control. It strengthens the ankles and corrects any imbalances in the lower half of the body. If you are a beginner, use a strap to make this pose safer and more accessible.


3. Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

This is a pose of focus. It engages the parts of the body associated with Capricorn – the knees and the joints. Once you have overcome the discomfort and are relaxed in this pose, you can find ease, stability, and freedom.

Eagle pose not only works on the legs, thighs, and hips, but it also gives a stretch around the shoulders and upper back.

In the beginning, this pose can feel restrictive and binding. However, because of this, it creates for us an opportunity to relax while in discomfort. We learn to acknowledge our limitations and then rise above them.


4. Hero Pose (Virasana)

This pose is a seated resting pose. You can also use this pose for sitting in meditation.

Hero pose stretches the thighs, knees, tops of the feet, and ankles and strengthens the arches. It also helps relieve backache and improve circulation in the legs and feet. It releases any pain and discomfort in the legs after a long day.

If sitting in Hero pose feels uncomfortable, you can elevate your hips by placing a cushion between the heels to sit on. Avoid this pose if there are any knee or ankle injuries. You can even practice one leg folded at a time.

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