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Yoga Poses for Cancer

astrology yoga poses for... Jun 30, 2022

Cancer (June 22 – July 22) is the fourth of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Ruled by the Moon, there is a strong desire in this sign to nourish and care for others. It is only natural that the parts of the body associated with Cancer are the chest, breasts, womb, and stomach.

The element of Cancer is water and the associated chakra is the third eye. Its symbol is the crab – a hard shell outside as a defense to protect a vulnerable heart inside.

Those born under the sign of Cancer or with strong Cancer energy can suffer from issues with digestion and other stomach related problems. They can also be very sensitive to the energy of others and experience unpredictable mood swings.

The yoga for this sign is intended to help a Cancer come home to itself and provide to itself what it always seeks to give to others – care and compassion.

Symbol: Crab

Chakra: Third Eye

Body Parts in Focus: Chest, Womb, Breasts, Stomach

Planet Ruler: Moon

Element: Water

If you have Cancer in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Cancer season.


4 Yoga Poses for Cancer

1. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

This pose resonates with Cancer’s strongest energy, that of the moon. The half moon pose is a balancing pose and balance is something that Cancer can struggle with.

Cancer’s nurturing and mothering side can conflict with its tendency to pinch with its sharp claws. There can also be a need for finding respite from taking on responsibilities and attending to the self.

Half moon pose helps achieve that sense of balance. It is a challenging posture that is strengthening at the same time. It brings both – a calming energy as well as intensity.


2. Wind Removing Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

Cancer’s sensitive stomach can benefit a lot from this pose. True to its name, the wind removing pose is effective in releasing gas from the abdomen. It also massages the entire back and spine and aids in digestion.  

Cancer tends to take on other people’s emotional states. From an energetic perspective, wind removing pose activates the flow of energy within the body and releases anything that is stagnant or does not serve any longer.

This pose also helps let go of a sense of idealism and find comfort and ease in the here and now.


3. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Pigeon pose is known as the king of hip openers. It gives an intense stretch and hence should be done carefully.

There are many variations of this pose and many ways to get into it, depending on how open your hips are. It helps improve overall mobility and release tightness that can come from prolonged sitting and slouching.

This pose helps connect with Cancer’s water element, which is associated with the pelvic region. It helps release any tightness around the pelvis. Holding this pose helps release stored emotions and tension from the psoas muscle, a storehouse of unresolved emotions.


4. Forward Fold (Uttanasana) 

Forward fold is a pose of surrender. It is a pose that is intended to give gratitude to the self – something a Cancer can greatly benefit from.

This is a pose that extends the entire back body. It helps to get into this pose with attention, purpose, and care.

This pose does many things. It improves body awareness, brings balance, helps manage stress, and also helps let go of anxious thoughts and feelings. The goal, however, is not to touch your toes, but to use this pose as a way to honor yourself and your journey.


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