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Yoga Poses for Aries

astrology yoga poses for... Mar 15, 2023


Aries is the first of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Ruled by the warlike planet Mars, its element is fire, and its associated chakra is the solar plexus. The parts of the body associated with Aries are the head and the face.

Represented by the symbol of the Ram, Aries embodies the animal’s same headstrong energy. The challenge faced by this sign is to harness this energy and use it for the achievement of goals rather than being swept away by it.

With all of these attributes of Aries, it is only natural that the yoga for this sign is the kind that helps build strength, courage, and personal power. The yoga poses mentioned in this article help do just that — calm a restless mind, reconnect with our innate courage, and stay grounded.

Symbol: Ram

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Body Parts in Focus: Head, Face, Hair, Teeth, Tongue

Planet Ruler: Mars

Element: Fire

If you have Aries in your sun, moon, or ascendant signs, the following yoga poses can be particularly helpful to practice. You can also add them to your yoga sequence if you are in Aries season.

4 Yoga Poses for Aries

1 - Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior poses, in all their variations (Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III, Reverse Warrior, and Humble Warrior), are ideal for Aries. They strengthen the quads, shoulders, and core, and improve flexibility. They also help build stamina and strengthen inner resolve.

Another key reason why warrior poses are suitable for Aries is that they help bring balance between steadiness and ease, something known as sthira and sukha in yoga.

Warrior poses are grounding for Aries as they help root through the feet. They train us to focus and teach us about balance and alignment.

2 - Supported Headstand (Sambala Sirsasana)

This pose is an inversion that is energizing and yet, helps center and focus the mind — all things that an Aries can benefit from.

The key to practicing this pose is always approaching it with a safety-first mindset. Instead of placing weight on the head and neck, hold yourself up using your arms and shoulders.

Supported headstand is great for building confidence, cultivating body awareness, and improving posture. It helps to balance the scattered energies of Aries and literally offers a totally different worldview, thus helping them see things from a new perspective.

3 - Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

There are many variations of Sun Salutation, also considered a complete yoga practice in itself. The sequence usually is made up of 12 poses that include forward bends, backward bends, and a warrior pose.

Sun Salutation makes for an effective practice for Aries as it builds strength and stamina in every part of the body. The combination of poses that are grounding with those that are energizing helps restore balance and harmony.

You can use sun salutations as a breath practice by coordinating every movement with breath and as a spiritual practice by dedicating your practice to a guru or a higher power.

4 - Skull Shining Breath (Kapalabhati)

This is a breathing technique that is seen more as a kriya (internal purification practice) in yoga.

Of the many benefits of this practice, one is that it helps activate the solar plexus chakra. Other important benefits are that it helps focus, come into the present, and builds up heat — all things useful for Aries.

Kapalabhati is very helpful in building self-discipline, confidence, and warmth towards self and others. On a physical level, it strengthens the area around the solar plexus chakra — the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

It will leave you feeling energized yet calm.

New To Astro Yoga?

Building an astro yoga practice will keep you aware of astrological events affecting your life and give you the strength to move through life challenges with grace and ease. Reducing opportunities for self-sabotage and increasing your ability to make life choices aligned with your highest purpose.

If you’re brand new to Astro yoga, you can catch my free yoga classes on YouTube at @DiscoverAstroYoga.

If you’re interested in getting guidance on how to change your yoga practice based on the current planetary positions, join the Astro Yoga Experience!


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