How does yoga and spirituality help get rid of anxiety?
Nov 04, 2021For most of us, anxiety is a natural response to stressful situations. Used positively, it triggers the fight or flight response and helps us react appropriately when we're in danger.
However, when anxiety escalates to the extent that it creates a persistent feeling of dread, it can be debilitating and disruptive to our health and adversely affect the quality of our daily lives.
In this article, we discuss how yoga and spirituality can help us get rid of anxiety.
How does yoga help with anxiety?
Yoga is an empowering practice.
Rather than expecting those who suffer from anxiety to rationalize their way out of it, yoga gives them the tools to manage and overcome anxiety and its symptoms.
Check out the ways yoga helps people manage anxiety.
1. Yoga cultivates awareness of body and mind
Yoga is awareness. By building awareness of the body, mind, and breath, yoga enables the recognition of thoughts, feelings, and actions that can lead to heightened anxiety.
A strong body-mind connection is vital to somebody with anxiety. The first physical signs – the heart starting to beat faster, a dry throat, or sweaty palms – are warning signs.
As one comes into contact with the first signs of anxiety, it becomes easier to employ methods that can self-soothe.
2. Yoga deepens the breath
Shallow breathing is both an indicator of anxiety and can also contribute to a heightened stress response.
The different breathing techniques in yoga can be used for immediate relief from anxiety. Even a short practice calms the mind and relaxes the nervous system.
Over time and with regular practice, the mind learns to stay calm for longer, thereby reducing the frequency and intensity of anxiety.
3. Yoga creates a relaxation response
In situations of perceived danger, something that also happens when we are anxious, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) or the body's fight or flight response goes into action.
Yoga activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), which regulates the body's relaxation response. When this happens, blood pressure and heart rate drop, and muscles relax. Gradually, the body and mind come to a state of rest.
How does spirituality help with anxiety?
Spirituality can be a useful tool for dealing with anxiety. Having spiritual beliefs and being involved in spiritual practices can be a positive coping mechanism for dealing with situations that create a feeling of danger or doom.
Activities like meditation, devotion, and prayer are all integral parts of most spiritual schools.
Mindfulness and meditation to deal with anxiety
Mindfulness and meditation help to focus attention elsewhere. The mind gets a break from running into loops and overthinking. They train the mind to become aware, be in the present moment, and find stillness.
Mindfulness and meditation have the power to change our response to a situation. They help us develop a higher perspective. When you create space between yourself and the situation that is creating stress, anxiety can soften.
The role of prayer in dealing with anxiety
Prayers are a conversation with someone or something that is perceived to be a higher reality. Faith in a higher power can help deal with situations where one feels helpless. It takes away the anxiety that comes with feeling powerless.
Practicing affirmations can help build trust in the future and instill hope and contentment. Here are some affirmations that can help.
- I trust that I am divinely protected
- I have faith in the universe
- The universe supports me in every step that I take
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