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What To Expect For Full Moon In Leo

full moon Feb 04, 2023

Temporarily letting go of our desire for peace could be a wise move at the coming Full Moon in Leo. Although we might not want to live at this level of intensity all the time, leaning into our feelings and letting them out can help us break through whatever has been holding us back.

The Full Moon in Leo is exact at 5:53 pm EST on Thursday, January 25, 2024. 


What To Expect For The Full Moon? 

With the Sun in logical Aquarius, we may be especially attached to our ideas of how the world should be or what we ought to be doing with our lives. The Moon in passionate Leo, however, is likely to chafe against any pretentious attitudes that aren't in line with our actual truth.

In this Full Moon, we can expect some drama and people behaving over the top. Plus, some messy feelings could come out, given the opportunity. Dealing with the resulting tension is likely to be uncomfortable, at least in the moment.

Proactively taking time to meditate coming into this powerful Full Moon can help us figure out in advance what's brewing within us. 


How To Make The Most of The Full Moon In Leo

We still may need to tell others things they don't want to hear, but doing so thoughtfully rather than impulsively could minimize the fallout.

Aquarius represents the common good, while its opposite sign, Leo, is more individualistic. Both group harmony and personal fulfillment are important, so it's necessary to look for balance between the two rather than always prioritizing one over the other.

Therefore, this Full Moon could draw our attention to situations where we've suppressed too many of our own desires in order to make others happy. Although speaking up for our legitimate needs might not be easy, any awkwardness or frustration we encounter in doing so won't last forever. The rest of the story is that, once we get through the tough stuff, we may wind up with a renewed ability to experience joy.

To some extent, release is part of any Full Moon. However, this Full Moon is likely to be more disruptive than most, as the Sun and Pluto will form a volatile opposition with this Full Moon.

Before we get caught up in the drama and make things more complicated than they need to be, we should consider the possibility that perhaps we just have excess energy to burn off. Active yoga routines can help us stay out of trouble by releasing restlessness and tension. Leo is a playful sign, so we shouldn't be afraid to have fun!


Watch out for: 

  • Tempers flaring. Leo is known for its dramatic tendencies. Be mindful of potential conflicts or heightened emotions, as the full moon energy might magnify these tendencies.
  • Power Struggles. With Leo's strong sense of individuality, conflicts arising from clashes of egos may be more pronounced. It's important to practice patience and diplomacy in interpersonal interactions.


Get Ready to Enjoy: 

  • Increased Confidence. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and it is associated with confidence and self-assuredness. You may feel more confident and ready to take on challenges during this time.
  • Increased Creativity. Leo is associated with creativity and self-expression. During a full moon in Leo, you might feel a surge of creative energy and a desire to express yourself through art, music, or other forms of self-expression.
  • Romantic Energy. Leo is also associated with romance and passion. The full moon in Leo might bring about a romantic and passionate atmosphere, potentially enhancing relationships.


Prepare to Release: 

  • Fear of Judgment: Leo energy is bold and unapologetic. Release the fear of what others might think or say about you. Allow yourself to be seen and heard without worrying about external judgment.'
  • Outdated Goals or Ambitions: Reflect on your goals and aspirations. If there are goals that no longer resonate with your authentic self or no longer align with your current path, release them. Make room for new, more aligned aspirations.
  • Unhealthy Ego Attachments: While confidence is positive, an inflated ego can lead to arrogance or self-centeredness. Release attachments to unhealthy aspects of your ego and strive for a balanced sense of self.


Yoga Poses For Full Moon In Leo

In medical astrology, Aquarius is associated with the circulatory system and rules the Root charka. The parts of the body associated with Aquarius are the ankles, calves, and shins.

 Yoga poses to connect with these areas of the body include: 

  • Bridge Pose 
  • Shoulder Stand 
  • Chair Pose 
  • Legs up the wall


An Astro Yoga practice can help you keep your yoga routine aligned with the ongoing cycles of the universe. It will also work with the strengths and weaknesses of your own birth chart for maximum benefit. Join the Astro Yoga Experience to learn more!



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