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What to Expect During Aries Season

aries astrology Mar 12, 2023

In Vedic (sidereal) astrology, the new Zodiac cycle begins in April, when the Sun enters Aries. The sun is typically in Aries between April 14 - May 14 although the days may adjust slightly each year, signaling a time of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Aries energy is bold and experimental. The sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, drive and conflict. During Aries season, people’s tempers may be quicker than usual, and they might find it easy to go into attack mode without knowing the whole story.

You may also feel more confident and energetic. You may find yourself feeling more brave and asserting yourself more in areas of your life where you are usually docile. This is a good thing, as it’s never a bad thing to practice putting boundaries into action. Just make sure you are compassionate when asserting yourself.

Sometimes Mercury and Venus are also in Aries during this time, as they travel close to the Sun, and that can intensify the vibe.

Aries energy can be edgy and disruptive sometimes — changing the status quo isn't always easy! Knowing what to expect during Aries season can help you live in harmony with the atmosphere instead of finding it frustrating or scary. 

Tips for Making the Most of the Aries Season

Try Something New 

As the Sun which is known as the king of the planets is in its state of exaltation, this is the period to be bold and experimental. Flow with it by trying something new. If you've never done yoga before, this is a great time to give it a shot! If you're an experienced yogi, vary your routine with styles that are different from your usual approach. You don't have to commit to do it forever — just see if you like it!

2. Cut what isn't working

Aries has a reputation for impulsive decisions. If you're honest with yourself, though, most big and disruptive changes that feel like they came out of nowhere build for a while before the crisis finally takes place.

During Aries season, don't force things that aren't working. Depending on the situation, a formal breakup may or may not be necessary. Although it's sometimes not possible to end a commitment in a way that doesn't hurt anyone, keep in mind that you're typically hurting already by the time you get to the point of asking these questions.

3. Don't get provoked (watch out for triggers) 

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the planet of conflict and warfare. During Aries season, people's tempers may be quicker than usual, and they might find it easy to go into attack mode without knowing the whole story. Keeping up with your yoga and meditation practice can help you stay centered and patient instead of getting provoked over every little thing.

If you do find yourself becoming aggravated, try connecting to each of your five senses. This will help you get grounded in the moment and see if the situation is more complex than your initial snap judgment made it look.

Excess physical energy may also build up during Aries season. Making sure you get all the physical exercise you need can help you maintain your calm.

4. Stand up for yourself

Each Zodiac sign has an opposite, and Aries is paired with relationship-oriented Libra. If you've gone too far toward the Libra extreme of taking care of other people in your life, Aries season may reveal that it's time to dial back and pay attention to your own needs.

You might need to stand up for yourself, especially if someone else is pushing you around. Aries energy is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which defends and represents your ego. Sun Salutations or the Warrior Pose can strengthen your resolve.

In spiritual communities, ego is sometimes talked about like it's a bad thing. Like anything else, ego can cause trouble in excess. In proper balance, though, your ego is a very necessary part of manifesting the unique energy that you bring to Earth.

5. Follow your dreams
While Aries energy may be good fuel for impulsive decisions, it can also be the spark to finally start a fire you've been thoughtfully building for a while. Even the plan brewing in the back of your mind might be more solid than you think it is. During Aries season, consider taking a first step toward one of your biggest dreams.

How To Balance Aries Energy 

If you have a lot of Aries energy in your birth chart already, check out these astrological remedies to help you stay balanced during Aries season.

  • Integrate grounding techniques like walking barefoot in nature. It can be in your home garden or public garden. 
  • Practice yoga for Libra (opposite sign from Aries) to neutralize excess aggression. 
  • Recite Mantra "RAM" to improve your Solar Plexus chakra. 
  • Consume more Yellow lentils, Yellow bell peppers, Yellow pears, and apples. You can also add more cinnamon, ginger, and rosemary to your diet. 
  • Wear a ring/bracelet of Red Coral on your right hand. 

Staying updated with astrology can help you minimize negative planetary effects and maximize positive planetary effects.

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