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What To Do During Neptune Retrograde?

astrology Nov 24, 2023


Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, over 2.7 billion miles away from Earth. The planet is associated with themes such as dreams, illusions, spirituality, and creativity in astrology.

Neptune is an outer planet, meaning it's orbital periods are MUCH longer than our inner planets (Sun - Mars) in our solar system. Like other planets, Neptune has retrograde periods where it appears to be moving backward in terms of its relative position to Earth.

On average, Neptune is spinning backward about 44% of the year. Since Neptune is an outer planet, the effects of its retrograde periods are more abstract and less energetic than those of inner planets like Mercury, Mars, and Venus.

What Is Neptune Retrograde? 

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and represents spirituality, inspiration, dreams, illusions, and fantasies. During a Neptune Retrograde, we can benefit from taking a step back to re-evaluate what inspires us. Diving deeper into our own sense of spirituality is likely to reveal important things we’d overlooked!

With the right focus, Neptune Retrograde helps you connect to your spiritual side, giving you more clarity about your life purpose. Unfortunately, Neptune (like all planets) may also reveal its darker side during the retrograde period. Dependent behaviors, addictions, and acts of escapism can all come up and prevent you from making the most of this Neptune Retrograde. 


When will Neptune be in retrograde in 2024? 

Neptune will be retrograde from July 2, 2024, to December 7, 2024. 


What to expect with Neptune retrograde?

  • Heightened Intuition and Spirituality. Neptune is often linked to intuition and spiritual awareness. During its retrograde, you might find that your intuition is heightened, and you may have a greater interest in spiritual matters. This can be a time for introspection and exploring your inner self.
  • Clarity vs. Illusions. Neptune is associated with illusions and confusion. During its retrograde, there may be a potential for increased confusion and unrealistic expectations if you are not careful. It's a time to see situations and relationships more realistically. However, this process can be challenging, as it might expose truths that are uncomfortable.
  • Boundaries and Reality. On the flip side, Neptune can blur boundaries, and during its retrograde, you may need to be mindful of setting realistic boundaries in your personal and professional life. Avoiding escapism and facing reality may be necessary during this time.
  • Dealing with Subconscious Issues. Neptune is associated with the subconscious mind. Retrograde periods can bring up buried emotions and issues from the past. It's an opportunity to address and heal these aspects of yourself.
  • Caution with Substance Use. Neptune is sometimes associated with substances and escapism. During its retrograde, it's wise to be cautious about excessive use of substances, as there may be a tendency to seek escape from reality.

Use Neptune Retrograde to Your Advantage

1. Start A Cleanse. Give Up Your "Drugs.” 

I recommend starting Neptune Retrograde with a full month of being sober from any “drugs” you may take — whether that’s alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, sugar, or anything else! Starting Neptune Retrograde with a body cleanse is a POWERFUL way to start off in the right direction. 

2. Practice Yoga and Meditation. 

Yoga and meditation are great ways to connect to yourself and explore more profound parts of your higher self and spirituality. Creating stillness with your mind and motion with your body can bring self-awareness, which helps you become aware of destructive habits and even prevent them from happening.

3. Stay Grounded in Reality. Be Careful of Self-Deception.

Neptune Retrograde can internalize your fears and anxieties by stripping away the illusions and false expectations you've created. If you've been deceiving yourself, the truth of your reality can be quite uncomfortable to deal with. This is often the case when addiction to substances begins to take place. 


What happens when Neptune Goes Direct? 

After December 7, when Neptune goes direct after a period of retrograde motion, its themes become more apparent or more accessible to navigate. 

Here are some general themes associated with Neptune going direct:

  • Increased Intuition and Inspiration. When it goes direct, there may be a sense of increased clarity in your intuitive abilities, making it a favorable time for creative pursuits and spiritual exploration.
  • Clearer Vision and Understanding. A lifting of confusion, and a clearer understanding of situations may emerge. This can be a good time for gaining insights into complex or mysterious matters.
  • Spiritual Growth. If you're inclined towards spirituality, Neptune going direct may be seen as a period of enhanced spiritual growth. It's a time when some individuals may feel more connected to their spiritual practices or experiences.
  • Artistic Expression. Neptune is associated with artistic endeavors, and its direct motion may be seen as a positive time for creative expression. Artists, musicians, and those involved in creative pursuits may find their inspiration and artistic flow increasing.


Remember Your Free Will 

During Neptune Retrogrades, it can be easy to feel more anxious and overwhelmed just knowing its approaching. Try not to feed into this fear. 

Our lives are equally shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future.

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life. Consistent yoga and meditation can reduce opportunities for self-sabotage and increase your ability to make life choices aligned with your highest purpose.


In closing

As always, individual experiences during astrological events can vary widely. This could be based on a variety of reasons, including knowing what house transiting Mercury is in for you right now or knowing what dasha period you are currently experiencing. 

When you join the Astro Yoga Experience, you will stay up to date with transiting planets and get directions on how to adjust your decisions, behaviors and actions to embrace your free will and overcome any challenges from transiting planets such as Mercury Retrograde. 


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In the training, you will learn:

  • The 5 steps it takes to build an astrology-based yoga practice
  • How to create a routine to support cosmic connection
  • How to prevent self-sabotaging your highest purpose
  • Common mistakes people experience on their journey

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