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What is the Root Chakra?

chakras yoga philosophy Apr 13, 2021


The root chakra, known as the Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the first of the seven main chakras. It is located at the base of the spine, around the pelvic floor.

Represented by the color red, the root chakra governs the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and is linked to the earth element. It governs the feelings of safety, security, and survival, both physical and emotional.

This chakra houses all of our essential survival needs, much like the very first level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. A balanced root chakra brings a feeling of stability and security, a sense of belonging, and grounding.

Signs the root chakra is out of balance

When the root chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it may manifest in a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Some of the signs are:

  • Feeling fearful, anxious, uncertain, and unsafe
  • Hoarding
  • Experiencing nightmares
  • Issues with digestion
  • Problems with the lower back, legs, or feet
  • Lack of motivation
  • Not being able to trust in the earth to support you

An unbalanced chakra can indicate that we don't feel settled, secure, or safe in our environment for some reason.

Examples of what can throw our root off alignment:

  • Being in a physically unsafe place.
  • Resistance to Change (Fear of change or growth)
  • Insecurity (Feeling like you are not enough or don't have enough)
  • Either worry or greed about money, food, shelter or any other resources.
  • Impatience or having a short temper

How to balance the root chakra

There are several ways to bring the root chakra back to balance. Some of the ways are:

Movement: Any activity that helps you connect to the earth or your physical body is a great way to balance the root chakra. These can be walking in nature, gardening, yoga, and hiking.

Sound: Every chakra is associated with a unique sound. The seed sound for the root chakra is “lam”. Chanting this sound helps bring the chakra back to balance.

Meditation: There are various meditation techniques that can help bring grounding. Some of them are: visualizing the color red, visualizing yourself being rooted to the earth, and walking meditation.

Affirmations: These affirmations work specifically on the root chakra:
- I am safe.
- I am secure.
- The earth protects and nourishes me.
I already have everything I need. 

How can balancing the root chakra improve your life? 

Since it is the first of seven, when the root chakra is in balance, it creates a strong foundation for all of the higher chakras. The flow of energy in the body becomes steady. We feel much more connected to the earth and our surroundings.

A balanced root chakra is important because it enables us to let go of fear. We feel safe in the world and tend to worry less. It gives us focus and presence and allows us to take on responsibilities. We are able to take care of ourselves and develop a healthy survival instinct.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel strong and secure enough to take on new challenges in the world. We have the confidence to know we have everything we need.

Yoga poses to help balance the root chakra
Yoga is one of the most powerful ways to balance the root chakra.

Try including these yoga poses in your sequence:

Malasana or Garland Pose

This is a deep squat pose that works on the pelvic floor and stretches the groins, ankles, and back. It also stimulates digestion. All of these benefits are wonderfully suited for the root chakra.

Garland pose is also grounding. It connects us to the earth and makes us feel rooted. It is calming and yet leads to more flexibility and mobility in the body so we can keep going.
To make the pose more accessible, you can keep a folded blanket under your heels, sit on a block, or practice against a wall.

Vrksasana or Tree Pose

Tree pose is perfect for cultivating the qualities of stability and earthiness. The rootedness of a tree brings an energy that is calming, grounding, and balancing. This pose is therefore in complete alignment with the root chakra.

While in this pose, raising your arms toward the sky helps create expansion. There is a rooting down through the feet and blossoming through the arms, like the branches of a tree.
Use this pose not only for balancing the root chakra but also improving posture and alignment as it strengthens the core, back, legs, and glutes.

At Discover Yoga, our astrology-informed yoga practice helps you reduce the opportunities for self-sabotage and increase your ability to make life choices aligned with your highest purpose. Align your practice today.

Check out my root balancing meditation in the YouTube video below to help you get familiar with and open your root chakra.


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