How To Balance The Heart Chakra
May 25, 2021The heart chakra is known as the Anahata in Sanskrit, translating as unhurt or unbeaten. It is the fourth of the seven main chakras and is located in the center of our chest and governs our ability to experience empathy, love, forgiveness and gratitude.
The heart chakra is essential for having genuine loving relationships with our friends and family. When this chakra is balanced, we give to others from the heart and we're more compassionate towards human beings and all other living creators.
Represented by the color green, the heart chakra governs the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra, and is linked to the air element. This chakra is associated with the potentials of the heart – unconditional love and compassion.
The heart chakra is the bridge between the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras, unifying the physical with the spiritual and the earth with the spirit.
Signs the Heart Chakra is Out of Balance
When this chakra becomes unbalanced, we may be more selfish, unforgiving and isolate ourselves from others. We may create relationships with others for selfish purposes and only seek something out in return. This level of relationships is shallow and self-pleasing, leaving the other person to suffer in the end.
Feeling jealous of others is another way to keep the heart chakra closed and off-balance. When we express jealousy, we prove that we are insecure about ourselves and can quickly move to more unhealthy behaviors like self-loathing.
When the heart chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it may manifest in a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Some of the signs are:
- A tight, anxious feeling in your chest
- Holding grudges
- A fear of intimacy
- An inability to trust others
- Feeling jealous or fearful
- Inability to receive love
- Inability to feel self-love and self-compassion
How to Balance the Heart Chakra
There are several ways to bring the heart chakra back to balance. Some of the ways are:
Gratitude: Consciously reminding yourself of the good things in life is a wonderful way to open the heart chakra. You can do this by maintaining a gratitude journal. Before starting your day, write down ten things in your life you are thankful for.
Sound: Every chakra is associated with a unique sound or syllable. The seed sound for the heart chakra is “ham”. Chanting this sound helps bring the chakra back to balance.
Loving Kindness Meditation: This is a powerful meditation to connect to the unconditional love and compassion that resides in our hearts. Start by sending good wishes to yourself and slowly expand that circle to those around you and eventually everyone at large.
Affirmations: These affirmations work specifically on the heart chakra and help with loving the self as well as loving others.
- I love, accept, and respect myself unconditionally.
- I am grateful for all the love I receive.
- It is safe for me to give and receive love.
How balancing the heart chakra can improve your life
The heartbreaks and hurts we experience over time tend to block the heart chakra. When we open the heart, it helps us to release these negative emotions that we have been holding. This enables us to let go of grievances and open ourselves to forgiveness, empathy, and peace.
The opening of the heart chakra can feel emotionally intense. It is important to practice self-care during this time.
Yoga poses to help balance the heart chakra
Yoga helps release any physical, mental, and emotional blockages in the heart chakra. Backbends and expansive poses that create space in the heart are great. Here are some yoga poses that you can incorporate into your routine:
1- Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is a simple and subtle backbend that is accessible even to beginners. It is an excellent backbend that opens the heart and works on the entire upper body.
When the heart is closed, one can feel depleted and unable to give. Cobra pose helps restore energy, fight fatigue, and create space in the heart. You can adjust the intensity of this pose by adjusting the position of the elbows.
2 - Matsyasana or Fish Pose
Fish pose is a deeper backbend that helps you to delve into your heart energy. It helps connect with healing, compassion, and openness of the heart space.
This pose also helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper back and the front and back of the neck. To make this pose more accessible, you can either keep your knees bent or practice with your legs pressed against the floor.
Check out my heart chakra balancing meditation in the YouTube video below to help you get familiar with and open your heart chakra.
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