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What is Mercury Retrograde

astrology Jan 24, 2023


What does Mercury Retrograde mean?

If stargazing is your thing, you might have noticed that Mercury appears to move backward about three or four times a year.

During Mercury Retrograde, the Earth moves past Mercury in its orbit around the sun, creating the illusion of this backward movement. This lasts for about three and a half weeks, after which Mercury appears to go forward again.  

What are the effects of Mercury Retrograde?

The Roman god Mercury, equivalent to the Greek god Hermes, is known as the "messenger of the gods." Mythologically, Mercury was the only one who could travel between the underworld and the upper world, giving him a special status amongst the gods. 

The astrological Mercury is associated with his interests, which include communication and quick travel. Mercury also loves data and processing information. It does anything to gather messages and convey them to others.

Mercury Retrograde, therefore, affects how we give and receive information, our travel, our electronics (our tools to communicate with the world), and our logic.

The other things that get affected are our negotiations, buying and selling, transportation and travel, contracts and agreements, and editing and researching.

When is Mercury Retrograde in 2024?  

  • December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024
  • April 1, 2024, to April 25, 2024
  • August 5, 2024, to August 28, 2024
  • November 25, 2024, to December 15, 2024

Things you can do during Mercury Retrograde

There are lots of things that Mercury Retrograde can help us with. Most importantly, it encourages us to revisit, reassess, and redo. 

It gives us a second chance. It helps us get answers and find closure. If there are people in your life you have lost touch with, Mercury Retrograde can bring them back into your life. If there were things that you lost or misplaced, chances are high that you will find them during this phase. A project that was stalled could suddenly resurface.

Reorganizing is also something you can spend time on during a Mercury Retrograde. If you have things to repair, closets to clear, or clothes to give away, this is a great time to do so. 

Mercury retrograde is also a great time to go to therapy, back up your computer, and finish something you've already started. 

What you should not do during Mercury Retrograde

When Mercury goes retrograde, it invites us to slow down. We can step back, drop the need for instant responses, and release the pressure to rush into decisions.

During this time, the more we stay still, the better we can reflect on where we slipped or what we couldn't see in the past. It is a great time to forgive ourselves and others. If plans go awry, people act difficult, and decision-making takes forever, please remember to be kind to yourself.

Mercury Retrograde is not the best time to buy or sell anything big. There can be delays if you are looking to sign a contract. Electronic equipment can crash, your car can break down, and you can send emails to the wrong people.

In short, if things could go wrong, they most likely will — but more in an annoying, frustrating kind of way rather than an evil, sinister kind of way. You can navigate through this time with a little bit of caution and a whole lot of patience.

How does Mercury Retrograde affect our relationships?

Since communication is key to any relationship, and Mercury Retrograde adversely affects communication, it can cause confusion and miscommunication. 

Whether it is a romantic relationship, friendship, or professional association, feelings can be hurt and arguments can follow.

Mercury Retrograde can bring up past hurts and memories. You may find yourself revisiting past relationships or feeling confused in your current relationship.

Tips for managing relationships during Mercury Retrograde

  • Avoid conversations that could be relationship-defining
  • Focus on the positives of your relationship
  • Avoid making decisions that can have long-term effects
  • Be honest, kind, and open – both with yourself and others
  • In case of arguments or miscommunications, avoid jumping to conclusions
  • Exercise patience at all times

What to Expect When Mercury Retrograde Ends? 

When Mercury goes direct again, there is a sense of relief and a lifting of any perceived communication or logistical challenges that may have arisen during the retrograde period.

  1. Improved Communication: Communication becomes smoother and clearer after Mercury goes direct. Misunderstandings and miscommunications that may have occurred during the retrograde period are expected to be resolved.
  2. Clarity in Decisions: Decisions that may have been put on hold during the retrograde period can be revisited with a clearer perspective. It's a favorable time for making decisions and moving forward with plans.
  3. Technology and Travel: If there were issues with technology or travel disruptions during the retrograde, these may start to resolve as Mercury goes direct.

Remember Your Free Will 

During Mercury Retrogrades, it can be easy to feel more anxious and overwhelmed just knowing its approaching. Try not to feed into this fear. 

Our lives are equally shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future.

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life. Consistent yoga and meditation can reduce opportunities for self-sabotage and increase your ability to make life choices aligned with your highest purpose.


In closing

You can make the most of a Mercury Retrograde simply by allowing yourself to relax. Sometimes, when we don't allow ourselves the time and care we need, the universe facilitates that for us.

As always, individual experiences during astrological events can vary widely. This could be based on a variety of reasons, including knowing what house transiting Mercury is in for you right now or knowing what dasha period you are currently experiencing. 

When you join the Astro Yoga Experience, you will stay up to date with transiting planets and get directions on how to adjust your decisions, behaviors and actions to embrace your free will and overcome any challenges from transiting planets such as Mercury Retrograde. 


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In the training, you will learn:

  • The 5 steps it takes to build an astrology-based yoga practice
  • How to create a routine to support cosmic connection
  • How to prevent self-sabotaging your highest purpose
  • Common mistakes people experience on their journey

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