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What is Dharana? Focus and Concentration In Yoga

stress & anxiety relief yoga philosophy Feb 26, 2021

What is Dharana?

Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is the practice of focus & concentration. Dharana is followed by Dhyana (the seventh limb of yoga) and Samadhi (the eighth limb yoga), who all work together to achieve total concentration for successful meditation.

Patanjali intended for the last three limbs of yoga (Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) to be progressive of each other, meaning that students should master one before moving onto the next.


How do we practice Dharana? 

Dharana (concentration), is one of the building blocks to meditation. We put Dharana into practice by focusing our attention on one single thing. This thing could be a single chakra, mantra, vision or object. The object itself is not as important as the focused concentration of the item. 

As you practice, you may find that your mind gets distracted with other thoughts, memories, your to-do list and everything else. Know that this is normal. 

This discipline of thought takes time to master and is a muscle that needs a little bit of exercise every day. Dharana teaches us that we are in control of our thoughts and that we have the power to focus on the things that serve us rather than destroy us. 

Once we have clarity of thought, we are at ease, more productive, and can enjoy life fully by living in the present moment. 


Watch YouTube Video and Do Sample Exercise Here: https://youtu.be/7L1fxRL3PnA




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