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It's Eclipse Season! Time to embrace life's changes.

astrology Sep 04, 2023


An eclipse season is a period of time when the Moon’s Nodes align with the Sun and Earth. This happens approximately once every six months for 31 to 37 days at a time. New Moons that happen during an eclipse season are Solar Eclipses, and Full Moons that happen during an eclipse season are Lunar Eclipses.

Typically, an eclipse season includes either a Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) and the New Moon (Solar Eclipse) roughly two weeks later, or a New Moon and the Full Moon roughly two weeks later. Sometimes there is a third Full Moon or New Moon that qualifies as a Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse roughly two weeks after the original pair. 

An eclipse takes place whenever the Full Moon or New Moon happens within 15 to 18 degrees in either direction from one of the Moon’s Nodes. A total eclipse is one very close to the Moon’s Nodes, while a partial eclipse is one further away from the Moon’s Nodes. 

The signs of the Moon’s Nodes are usually a powerful indicator of the lessons that humanity is supposed to be learning at a given time. When the Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse takes place in one of those signs, the themes associated with that sign can be especially prominent. 


When is the next eclipse season?

There are typically two eclipse seasons that happen each year. For this year in 2024, the eclipses will occur in the spring and the fall. 

The Spring Eclipse season

  • March 24, 2024, 10:00 pm PST, Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 10° Virgo
  • April 8, 2024, 11:00 am PST, Solar Eclipse (New Moon) at 25° Pisces

The Fall eclipse season 

  • September 17, 2024 5:50 pm PST, Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 01° Pisces 
  • October 2, 2024 9:00 am PST, Solar Eclipse (New Moon) at 15° Virgo 


What should you do during an eclipse season?

  • Release something that you want to get rid of for good. The South Node especially has to do with endings and things from the past that you need to move away from. Anything that ends during an eclipse season is usually something that is meant to end.
  • Start a new habit that you want to stick with. The Moon’s Nodes are all about one’s direction in life, so if whatever you are trying to do is truly aligned with your purpose, this is an ideal time to commit to making it happen. 
  • Accept emotional intensity. Maintaining the status quo typically makes life calmer. However, the North Node’s pull toward the future could yank you out of whatever you’re currently doing if that’s not your ultimate destiny. This sort of change is often painfully disruptive, even when it’s the right thing to do. You may not be able to make everyone involved in your situation happy, and you might just have to live with that.


What should you avoid during an eclipse season?

  • Don’t expect quick answers. During an eclipse season, some projects or discussions that you initiate might remain unfinished or unresolved, even if they seem to have a promising start at the time. If no one is being seriously harmed by the lack of movement, don’t worry too much about it. The clarity you need to progress further could come during a subsequent eclipse season. 
  • Don’t start something that needs to work out in a predictable way. During an eclipse season, the energy is just not business as usual. Things can unfold in very surprising directions. Sometimes this is a great way to discover transformative possibilities that you wouldn’t have thought of on your own. However, if you truly need your plan to go off without a hitch, avoid scheduling it during an eclipse season. 
  • Don’t rush to resolve hurt feelings immediately. If someone is upset, they may not feel that way forever, but there might not be a lot you can do about it right now. Let them process their emotions on their own instead of pushing for a quick resolution.


What yoga is right for Eclipse Season? 

Eclipses can make us feel exhausted and depleted energetically. In moments like this we are reminded that energy is not created nor destroyed, it’s always converted from one form of energy to another. So your energy may be borrowed from you at this time! 

In these moments, it’s best to do a gentle yoga practice like Yin, Restorative or just a regular meditation practice. It’s important to listen to your body and take note of how you feel during this period. 

For yoga flows to keep you as calm as possible throughout the chaos of an eclipse season, join the Astro Yoga Experience!


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