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What Are Chakras?

chakras yoga philosophy Mar 17, 2021

What Are Chakras? 

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. They are a system of seven energy centers located along the spine, reaching from our tailbone to the crown of our head.

Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics, color, and stages of spiritual growth.

When our chakras are open, they allow us to have a stronger connection to our unique human experience. (Creativity, Confidence, Self-expression, Intuition and more.)


Body Chakras: 

1 - Root Chakra - Survival and Security - Blocked by FEAR 

2 - Sacral Chakra - Pleasure and Creativity - Blacked by GUILT

3 - Solar Plexus Chakra - Confidence and Willpower - Blocked by SHAME 

4 - Heart Chakra - Love and Empathy - Blocked by SELFISHNESS 

5 - Throat Chakra - Truth and Self Expression - Blocked by LIES 

6 - Third Eye Chakra - Intuition and Wisdom - Blocked by GREED

7 - Crown Chakra - Loss of Ego - Blocked by ATTACHMENT


How do I Open My Chakras?

In traditional yoga teachings, chakras can only be opened after a heightened level of self-awareness is reached. We can improve our self-awareness as yogis by practicing meditation, breathwork and stillness.

Practicing yoga and focusing your energy during different postures can help you to align your chakras and get all the wheels spinning in the same direction and speed. Understanding how to fine-tune and control your chakras through yoga and meditation can help bring balance and peace to your mind, body and spirit.

Through the movements and postures of yoga, you can learn to focus your concentration and energy to and from the various chakras in your body.

This can allow you to compensate for areas that may be out of sync with the rest of your body or not active at all.

Understanding each chakra and its function allows us to understand our body and its needs more.

With this awareness, we can learn our body's language, unblock the inner knots and better understand ourselves and others.



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