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Venus Retrograde: Your Questions Answered!

astrology Jun 26, 2023

Venus Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that can bring back old lovers and ignite other relationship chaos. There’s more to it than that, though, so keep reading to get the full story on Venus Retrograde!

When is Venus Retrograde?

Venus Retrograde will next take place from July 22, 2023, to September 3, 2023. It will begin at 28° Leo and end at 12° Leo. Because of this, Venus will be in the sign of Leo much longer than usual during 2023!

What’s a retrograde?

All the planets have periods of retrograde motion, where they appear to move backward in terms of their relative position to Earth. Outer planets like Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are usually retrograde for several months each year, and their retrogrades have subtle effects.

Inner planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars have shorter retrograde periods, but the effects of their retrogrades are more noticeable. Disruptions tend to appear in the areas of life associated with that planet. For example, Mercury is the planet of communication, so Mercury Retrogrades are notorious for communication problems.

The Sun and the Moon are luminaries, not planets, so they do not have retrograde periods.

What happens during a Venus Retrograde?

During a Venus Retrograde, issues related to the planet Venus can face challenges and disruptions. Venus is most notably associated with love and relationships, so you may find it hard to get along with people while Venus is retrograde. Romantic partnerships could especially be tested.

If you’re looking for a partner, you might pause your search while Venus is retrograde. Of course, sometimes love strikes when it does, but keep in mind that a relationship started while Venus is retrograde may come with more than its share of unexpected twists and turns.

Any retrograde tends to bring up things from the past, so you might hear from old lovers or friends when Venus is retrograde. Rekindling your relationship is an option you can consider, but make sure the connection is truly a good fit for the person you are today.

Venus also rules the arts, so you could feel Venus Retrograde in that realm if you are heavily involved with the arts for your work or in your personal life. It might be a good time to return to a past creative project you’d set aside and see if you can finish it up. However, a new art project started during Venus Retrograde may not turn out as planned.

Additionally, Venus is associated with money and physical appearance, so be cautious about taking on any new financial investments or body modifications while Venus is retrograde.

Does Venus Retrograde happen in every Zodiac sign?

Venus Retrograde can happen in every Zodiac sign, but you probably won’t experience a Venus Retrograde in every Zodiac sign during your lifetime. The retrogrades of Venus over an eight-year period form a five-pointed star when graphed on the wheel of the Zodiac. Each eight-year cycle, the points of the star shift by about two degrees, but this is a slow enough process that Venus Retrogrades can keep happening in the same five signs for many years.

Because the Venus Retrograde cycle returns to almost the same place every eight years, you might look back eight years to see what happened the last time Venus was retrograde in the same Zodiac sign. For example, the last time Venus was retrograde in Leo was summer 2015. Whatever was going on for you then, you could potentially find that situation revisited during 2023’s Venus Retrograde in Leo.

How will Venus Retrograde affect me personally?

Venus Retrograde will take place in a particular house of your birth chart, so the attributes of Venus Retrograde that you’ll notice most will probably have to do with topics related to that house. For example, if Venus Retrograde happens in your 11th House of Friendship, you might reconnect with old friends, but if Venus Retrograde happens in your 2nd House of Money, you’ll more likely be focused on the financial side of Venus.

Beyond that, you may feel Venus Retrograde more strongly than others do if Venus or the signs Venus rules (Libra and Taurus) are especially prominent in your chart. Also, if Venus Retrograde aspects the Sun, Moon, or any planets in your chart, you’ll probably notice that.

To learn more about how the Venus Retrograde will interact with your birth chart, consider scheduling a transit reading!

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