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Unveiling Your Inner Wounds: Chiron Retrograde

retrogrades Sep 19, 2023

Chiron, often referred to as the "Wounded Healer" in astrology, is a celestial body that symbolizes our deepest wounds and the potential for healing. When Chiron goes retrograde, it offers us a unique opportunity to confront our innermost pain, grow, and transform. 


What is Chiron?

Chiron is a minor planet that was discovered in 1977. Its orbit is almost 51 years long, putting it between Saturn (29.4 years) and Uranus (84 years). However, Chiron’s orbit is irregular, so it does not spend the same amount of time in each Zodiac sign.

Chiron represents the part of our psyche where we've been wounded and where we may subsequently heal ourselves and help others. Chiron's influence is deeply personal and transformative, but it often stirs up emotional discomfort and unresolved issues.

Chiron is named after a centaur from Greek mythology — half human and half horse. He was known as a skilled healer. However, when he was wounded by a poisoned arrow shot into his thigh, he was not able to heal himself. He therefore willingly renounced his immortality to escape from the pain.

Although Mercury is the traditional ruler of Virgo, some astrologers are starting to see Chiron as the modern ruler of Virgo due to their shared interest in health and healing. Chiron in one’s astrological chart can symbolize physical or emotional wounds that seem unresolvable. The house, sign, and aspects of one’s natal Chiron placement may provide clues regarding the nature of these wounds.


When is Chiron Retrograde?

Like other outer planets, Chiron spends a few months out of each year retrograde. This means it appears to be moving backward in terms of its relative position to Earth.

The current Chiron Retrograde lasts from July 23, 2023, to December 26, 2023. It begins at 19° Aries and ends at 15° Aries, so you may be especially affected if you have significant points in your chart in that area. Overall, though, the effects of Chiron Retrograde are usually pretty subtle.


What should you do during Chiron Retrograde?

  • Reflect on recently changed habits. If you started a new wellness routine, like a diet or exercise program, while Chiron was direct, Chiron Retrograde may be a good opportunity to assess your progress. You might encounter circumstances that challenge your commitment, so you’ll have to see how adaptable you are.
  • Revisiting Old Wounds. Chiron retrograde encourages you to revisit old wounds and unresolved issues. This is a perfect time to try shadow work, and make use of a time period where memories resurfacing, recurring emotional patterns, or intense introspection may resurface anyway. While it might be uncomfortable, dealing with these emotions is a necessary step towards healing.
  • Let things play out. Perhaps there’s only so much you can do to address a particular conflict if other parties involved aren’t willing to cooperate with you. Release your desire to control the outcome, and trust that the situation will unfold the way it’s meant to. During Chiron Retrograde, people’s problem-solving skills may be turned inward rather than outward. Each person might need room to figure out their own issues before a productive exchange will be possible.
  • Study what’s happened lately. Journaling could be a great way to take advantage of the reflective powers of Chiron Retrograde. Write down some things that took place during the months before the current Chiron Retrograde, and dig deeper into how you felt about them or what you learned about them. Perhaps you just had to keep pushing forward at the time, but now you have a chance to think about what happened.


What should you avoid during Chiron Retrograde?

  • Resisting or Rushing the Healing Process. Healing is a journey, and it takes time. Avoid expecting instant results or trying to rush the process. Allow yourself to move at your own pace and embrace the journey of self-discovery and self-healing.
  • Avoid Suppressing Emotions. Chiron retrograde often brings deep-seated emotions to the surface. Avoid suppressing or denying these feelings. Instead, acknowledge them, process them, and seek healthy outlets for emotional expression.
  • Don't Shy Away from Self-Reflection. Chiron's retrograde is a time for introspection and healing. Avoid distractions that prevent you from looking within, such as constant busyness, excessive social media use, or other activities that keep you from addressing your emotional wounds.
  • Don't Ignore Your Physical Health. The mind and body are interconnected. Neglecting your physical well-being can hinder emotional healing. Avoid ignoring your health during this retrograde, and instead, focus on self-care, exercise, and a balanced diet.
  • Resist the Urge to Overcommit. Chiron's energy may make you more aware of your own limitations and vulnerabilities. Avoid overcommitting to responsibilities or projects during this period. Focus on self-care and give yourself the space you need to heal.

What yoga should I practice for Chiron Retrograde? 

Yoga poses that support Virgo can also be practiced during a Chiron retrograde. 

  1. Legs up the Wall Pose 
  2. Corpse Pose 
  3. Extended Side Angle Pose 
  4. Supine Spinal Twist 

Outside of yoga poses that support virgo, you should be mindful to practice the Niyamas (the second limb of yoga.)

In the Niyamas, there are 5 rules. During the Chiron Retrograde, one should pay special attention to rule Saucha (purity of body and mind) as well as Svadhyaya (study of self.)

  • Saucha: Teaches us to keep our mind and body pure by consuming healthy and whole foods. Detoxing our body from impurities we consume is a great way to allow our body to “think”and will help with our healing process. 
  • Svadhyaya: The study of the self or spirituality. Taking the time to study who you are, what you like, what you love, what you hate is an essential part of growth and healing. Plus, yoga teaches us that we can connect to our god source by connecting to ourselves, since each and every one of us is an embodiment of God himself. 

If you wonder what it’s like to build a yoga practice that’s mindful of astrology, then you’re in the right place! Check out our Astro Yoga Experience where you will be guided on how to change your practice as important astrological events transit the sky.



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