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Think Big: Make the Most of the Full Moon in Sagittarius

full moon sagittarius May 21, 2023


A Full Moon in Sagittarius always occurs during Gemini season, as a Full Moon means the Sun and Moon are in opposite Zodiac signs. Most years have one Full Moon in Sagittarius, though occasionally there are two.

This Full Moon brings heightened enthusiasm, adventure, and expansive thinking. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, optimism, and wisdom, fosters exploration and a desire for deeper understanding.

Expect a surge of curiosity, a yearning for freedom, and a push towards broadening your horizons. It's an ideal time for travel, learning, and new experiences that challenge your perspectives.

The polarity between Sagittarius and Gemini emphasizes balancing broad, philosophical insights with detailed, immediate information. Sagittarius focuses on big-picture thinking and long journeys, while Gemini, ruled by Mercury, centers on communication, quick exchanges of information, and local activities.

During the Sagittarius Full Moon in Gemini season, there's a need to balance the quest for knowledge and adventure with practical day-to-day responsibilities. You might feel a tension between your desire for expansive experiences and the need to stay grounded and connected in your immediate environment.

The Sagittarius Full Moon encourages stepping out of your comfort zone and pursuing passions, while the Gemini Sun reminds you to stay adaptable, communicative, and open to diverse viewpoints.

Here are the dates of the Full Moon in Sagittarius till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -   June 21, 2024

Year 2025 -   June 10, 2025

Year 2026 -   June 29, 2026

Year 2027 -   June 18, 2027

Year 2028 -   June 06, 2028


Watch out for:

Fights about politics and religion. Sagittarius is the sign associated with belief systems, like one’s political or spiritual views. Meanwhile, Gemini energy tends to divide situations into two opposing sides — excluding the possibility of a productive third way. Try to identify when a heated debate is no longer worth your effort.

Big egos. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, is known for making things inflated. Blowing provocations out of proportion and reacting to them in an overly dramatic way is a risk at the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Keeping up with your yoga practice could help you stay calm during this time.

Traffic jams. Gemini and Sagittarius are both associated with transportation. A Full Moon in Sagittarius could emphasize any flaws in your local transit system. It may be worth the trouble to give yourself extra time to get to your destination.


Get ready to enjoy:

Wanderlust. Sagittarius is the sign of travel and long journeys. A spontaneous adventure could be a great way to enjoy the Full Moon in Sagittarius. You probably don’t have to go far to see something new and exciting!

Good luck. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, one of the benefic planets. A Full Moon in Sagittarius could bring a spontaneous occurrence of good luck, especially if it interacts with your own birth chart in some way.

Sensual pleasure. A Full Moon in Sagittarius can be a great opportunity to go for a sensual pleasure you’d usually think was too extravagant. The ruling planet Jupiter loves to get lavish! When Jupiter is in the mix, it’s especially easy to overeat or indulge in rich food, so try not to be too hard on yourself if this happens.

A sense of meaning and purpose. At its best, the philosophical side of Sagittarius energy can help people find a sense of meaning and purpose. A Full Moon in Sagittarius may bring you fulfilling insights about how and why the pieces of your life fit together.

Try to release:

Fear of the unknown. Sagittarius energy can have a know-it-all vibe. Even if you actually know quite a bit, a fear of the unknown may drive you to stretch it too far and pretend you’re more informed than you are. Being honest enough to admit it when you don’t know the answer is likely to be refreshing to the people around you.

Inaccurate or unhelpful beliefs. Admitting you were wrong often isn’t fun. However, doubling down on theories that don’t seem to be working out is only likely to cause more trouble for you. Releasing inaccurate or unhelpful beliefs can make room for you to find out what’s actually true!


People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.



This full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. This period will be an awesome one for you because a project you worked on in the past will pay off handsomely. Your plan would be better executed if you discussed your ideas with your superiors. Incorporate enough facts into your plan's presentation. Your health looks promising, with great levels of energy to give you a boost to complete projects on time. You should go headstrong on your new project to achieve massive fame and reach stellar heights. Distant travel or a pilgrimage seems likely for some.



This full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries.  It seems prudent to conduct some research and deep analysis before trying something new in your line of work. You will perform significantly better if you follow others rather than try something risky yourself. The bitter pill to swallow will be a failure in joint ventures, but time will heal all wounds. You might experience some health-related issues, so be mindful of what you eat. You should get in touch with some friends and plan something together.



The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 7th house of partnership, work relationship, and marriage. Maintaining harmony in your relationship will be so important to you that the opinions of others will not matter at all. You will be completely immersed in your own world, trying to work out ways to resolve challenges around you, it could be personal or profession. The positive results that you get will boost your confidence enormously.  Remember that laughter is the best medicine when it comes to your health, enjoy every moment that you can to have robust health.   



The full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 6th house of competition, planning, finance, health, and wellness. Success can be achieved in the field of education with diligent hard work, perseverance and possessing a killer instinct. The performance on the job will remain pleasant.  Your overall health will continue to be very good. It is advisable to limit your spending because you never know when you might need money. Your health seems promising, but you should still look after yourself. Doing yoga and meditation will help you stay physically and mentally fit.



The full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 5th house of creativity, pleasure and romance. It seems that you will be pushing yourself to the absolute limit because of your unwavering resolve and burning desire to rise from nothing to become someone. But do not overexert yourself, lest it impact your efficiency the next day. Plan everything in advance. Your income is likely to soar, which will give you financial stability and a sense of relief. Consider your options carefully when making any fresh investment. Professional advancement is likely, especially for those in white-collar positions.  



This full moon in Sagittarius brightens your 4th house of family peace, home comforts, and education. The Actions of some family members may upset your mood.  As your efforts seem to be in vain, this can be discouraging and cause you to lose hope. On the plus side, as your relationship transitions into a new stage, your love life will experience growth and development. Financially, you might experience a sense of helplessness that puts you under pressure. Avoid overspending or taking any loans.  However, there is improvement in your overall health conditions.



This full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. Heavenly forces will bestow upon you great courage and willpower to face your fears and overcome them. Think back on your accomplishments and be proud of your development. No matter what obstacles you encounter, being positive will help you make the most of this period. Your family life will be full of cherishable memories and small moments of eternal laughter.



This full moon in Sagittarius casts light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. This period seems to be filled with fascinating surprises that still need to be discovered. Be kind to the kids and refrain from being overly strict with them. Avoid getting into a disagreement with a superior because it might be to your disadvantage. Be thankful for the benefits you will experience in terms of your finances and health.



This full moon in Sagittarius brightens your 1st house of self-identity. This seems to be a favorable period for attempting your luck in endeavors that are wholly unrelated to your current line of work. For those in creative professions, professional growth is something to look forward to. Your love life seems to be gaining stability, and your health will be in a promising state.  



This full moon in Sagittarius brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness, losses, intuition, and health. Keep yourself from becoming attached emotionally to those around you. Be cautious when deciding who to put your trust in. Avoid making verbal agreements because you might be held responsible for something you did not intend to carry out. Health-wise, conditions will be favorable, but it is still important that you optimize your health through Yoga and meditation. Remember “Old Is Gold” and “Better Late Than Never”. So if you have not checked the benefits of ancient healing methods, with Full Moon in Sagittarius, it is the best time to explore these fronts. 



This full moon in Sagittarius brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  Overall, you will get the most out of this period. Just remember to keep a wide smile on your face, and all the other things will come to you in the best way. There may be some significant changes in your personal life. Avoid being resistant to change and make an effort to adapt to the shifting environment with an open mind. Financially speaking, it seems to be a good period to put extra money into long-term investments.



This full moon in Sagittarius brightens your 10th house of career, public image, and appreciation. Time has come to receive appreciation, rewards and emerge stronger and confident in whatever you do. Your wildest plans will turn out the way you expect and bring you appreciation from others, so be vocal about what you want. Even personal life appears to be stable, despite your hectic work schedule. Health-wise, you will have a great time with good levels of energy. Your financial situation will remain mostly stable, with some improvements possible.


Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced during Sagittarius Full Moon. 

  1. Wear Yellow Sapphire in a Gold Ring or a bracelet. Highly recommended for Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces natives. Not recommended for Taurus, Libra and Capricorn natives. 
  2. Keep a Topaz Crystal to cure your unbalanced chakras and heal past emotional traumas.  
  3. Recite Mantra “OM” or “AUM” for Spiritual awakening. 


Take Ownership Of Your Life 

Our lives are shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future. 

When you pay attention to transits, you learn when to engage more with life or let go. Allowing you to maximize your efforts where it’s needed most and save your energy when it’s not necessary. 

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life and finally start taking life into your own hands.



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