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Solar Eclipse in Aries: Not Just Any New Moon

new moon Apr 15, 2023

A New Moon in Aries provides plenty of potent energy by itself. When a New Moon in Aries interacts with the Moon’s Nodes to become a Solar Eclipse, the raw cosmic power could be difficult to hold in check!

What’s a Solar Eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse is a type of New Moon. What sets Solar Eclipses apart from other New Moons is that they take place close to one of the Moon’s Nodes.

Technically speaking, the Moon’s Nodes are the two points where the orbit of the Moon around Earth intersects with the ecliptic, or the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. At a Solar Eclipse, the Moon therefore obscures the view of the Sun.

The Moon’s North Node moves through all 12 Zodiac signs over the course of about 18.6 years. The South Node is always exactly opposite the North Node. Some Solar Eclipses take place near the North Node, and some take place near the South Node.

The Full Moon immediately before or after a Solar Eclipse will often be a Lunar Eclipse, when the Moon appears darkened due to being in the Earth’s shadow.

Eclipses are often more visible in some parts of the world than others. Even if you can’t see a particular Solar Eclipse very well from where you live, astrology says it can still influence you energetically!

Eclipses are often intensely emotional times. People may have trouble seeing situations clearly. In the way that the Sun itself is obscured, it might feel like crucial pieces of information are hidden from you. However, as the powerful Sun and primal Moon unite, your instinctive reactions could answer questions you hadn’t thought to ask.

Solar Eclipse in Aries: What to Expect

A Solar Eclipse in Aries is likely to share some basic characteristics with any other New Moon in Aries. Energy levels tend to rise at any New Moon, and this could be especially true for a New Moon in physical, Mars-ruled Aries.

Aries is also a sign known for raw emotions. When the Sun and Moon are both there for a New Moon in Aries, this risk of messy feelings is heightened! However, although the angry outbursts associated with Aries energy may be loud and disruptive, they often pass rather than hardening into grudges. Aries energy has a childlike quality, and it can shift quickly from tears to smiles just like a little kid.

What makes a Solar Eclipse in Aries different from a regular New Moon in Aries is that the Sun and Moon are close to one of the Moon’s Nodes. For example, the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023, at 12:13 am EDT has a New Moon at 29° Aries, close to the North Node at 4° Taurus. The North Node is often associated with true purpose and destiny.

Aries is the first Zodiac sign, and it’s known for its trailblazing nature. A North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries could mark a dramatic separation between past and future.

People often use the New Moon as a time to set an intention for something they want to manifest. At a Solar Eclipse, however, you might not want to hold too tightly to a particular vision of how you want things to work out. Especially at a North Node Solar Eclipse, circumstances may surprise you and show you a path better than the one you would have thought of on your own.

Keeping up with your yoga practice can help you stay grounded during the upheaval of a Solar Eclipse. Consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience to learn more!



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