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Seek Clarity Inside and Out: Ways to Optimize the New Moon in Virgo

new moon virgo Aug 21, 2023


The discerning energy of Virgo season reaches a peak at the New Moon in Virgo, when the Sun and Moon unite in this sensual and thoughtful sign.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought and communication. This grounded Earth sign has a reputation for being efficient and working hard.

Although the Moon generally represents our emotional side, a New Moon in Virgo may not be as openly emotional as some New Moons. With the Sun and Moon both influenced by rational Mercury, we’re likely to be in our heads rather than in our feelings.

Virgo brings out the perceptive and attentive attributes of the Moon. The Moon wants comfort, so the Virgo Moon’s laser focus could productively turn to identifying things in your environment that can be made more comfortable.

Here are the dates of the New Moon in Virgo till 2028 as per Vedic Astrology.   

Year 2024 -   September 02, 2024

Year 2025 -   August 23, 2025

Year 2026 -   September 11, 2026

Year 2027 -   August 31, 2027

Year 2028 -   August 20, 2028


Any New Moon is an ideal time to set intentions for things you’d like to manifest in your life. If no personal goals come to mind at the moment, look through this list of characteristics of the Virgo New Moon to get some ideas.

Get ready to enjoy:

Feng Shui. If you’re into Feng Shui, the New Moon in Virgo is a great time to adjust your space for improved harmony. Even if you haven’t done much with the energy of physical spaces before, you might find yourself more attuned than usual to what makes your surroundings feel physically and energetically comfortable. Listen to your intuition — you probably know more than you think you do!

Deep cleaning. At the New Moon in Virgo, your routine efforts to clean up your surroundings may be more effective than usual. You might give special attention to cleaning your computer, smartphone, and other electronic devices; this could involve both organizing the internal files and shining the screen.

Mental breakthroughs. The Mercury-ruled New Moon in Virgo may draw just the right connections to answer a question you’ve been stuck on for a while. Don’t be afraid to talk to others and ask what they know!


Watch out for:

Too much criticism. Virgo energy is great for seeing what could be improved. However, focusing only on the negative in your life might leave you feeling down on yourself for your mistakes. Try to accept that you did the best you knew how at the time. Now that you know better, you can do better.

Too much control. A Virgo New Moon is an excellent opportunity to strategize and plan your path forward. Perhaps there are possibilities beyond what you know about right now, though. It’s better to have a plan that you change than to not have a plan at all, but give yourself room to grow — don’t build a structure that’s overly rigid.

Set an intention to manifest:

Clarity about a path forward. You may have a vague idea regarding a goal you’d like to achieve at some point. The New Moon in mental Virgo can help you see a specific route from here to there. Get ready to turn dreaming into doing!

Detoxification. Virgo is focused on maintaining a healthy environment inside and out. If there’s something physically or emotionally toxic in your life, the New Moon in Virgo is a good time to figure out how to purify yourself from its influence.



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.


The New Moon in Virgo illuminates your 6th house of health, competition, and work. The day will bring the best out of you and you will climb the ladder to an even higher position in your industry with your caliber and talents. You should invest in yourself by reading some good books and attending some informational seminars because this investment has the best returns. Your family life will be fulfilling and satisfying. Your assets will rise and your problems will fall, This mantra will only work when you manifest with your soul.



The New Moon in Virgo illuminates your 5th house of education, creativity, and romance. Today you should act upon things after realizing the future consequences to shape a great future for yourself. Retail therapy in moderation can provide relaxation for your mind and soul.  Whenever in confused between any two choices always strike a balance because equilibrium is a global solution. Your love life will be great with nice memories to be made ahead. Don't waste your time thinking should we do it or not just go for it and look for the results later.



The New Moon in Virgo brightens your 4th house of family peace and comforts. It will provide you with many opportunities to showcase your leadership skills and show the true hero that you are for your friends and family. You should never let arrogance come to you and never be complacent about your accomplishments to assure constant growth even in the future. All the previous problems in your life that are bothering you will soon vanish out and some eclectic memories are waiting for you to be made.



This New Moon in Virgo illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, siblings, learning, and friends. Today your fortune will sparkle like a diamond and your decisions will turn out to be accurate, because the cosmic powers are in your favor you should give good affirmation for your desired future because it is very likely for you to turn your manifestations into reality today. Your health will be in perfect condition with some mental issues like stress, which can easily be handled with powerful tools like yoga and deep breathing.



This New Moon in Virgo cast light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. Today is the day for you to leap from being a victim to becoming a hero in your life. Your relentless and determined work will turn out to give you the sweet fruits of your hard work. Just don't look back and keep moving ahead and success is not that far for you. You will leave an astonishing mark on the lives of people and will turn out to be heroic for them.



This new Moon in Virgo brightens your 1st house of self-identity. You will work very hard to rise to the top and will maintain your efficiency throughout the day. You can read some great inspirational books for a boost of motivation and a better sense of wisdom. Your actions will speak louder than your words because you are a true performer. Your family life will be full of harmony and ecstasy. You should try some great activities with your children to feel grounded and childlike.



This new Moon in Virgo brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness (Psyche), and expenses.  The thousand-mile journey begins with a simple step, in the same way, your biggest delayed actions should start. Develop the guts to play out on the edges of your control and push your limits to turn out to be a legendary player in your industry. You can also listen to your favorite music to calm your senses and raise your awareness.



This new Moon in Virgo brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  You should focus on your long-term goals today. You should follow your dreams with a lot of passion to set a noble example in front of others. Your health will remain in an excellent state today. Just keep a check on your food intake and avoid junk food and maximize healthy veggies.



This new Moon in Virgo brightens your 10th house of career, public image, and appreciation. Today you will be committed to the fullest, expression of your native genius and will be aware of the Self Faith that you possess. Your interactions will lead you to rise in social success. And people will be adorned by the way you carry your thoughts and convey them. There will be many Majestic experiences that are yet to be explored today. So step out of your house and feel the fabulous experience.



This new Moon in Virgo illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. You will come out as a brave and valiant fighter in the eyes of people around you by tackling your biggest fears in a swish. Your leadership skills are extraordinary and a setting stone for many people who look at you as an idol. You can deviate this positive energy of yours into healthcare by being more conscious about your food and trying to maximize your workout time.



This New Moon in Virgo illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries. Today your creativity will be very high, and shift the mindset and you will get many innovative ideas to solve your problems and fuel a pure imagination. Get physically strong to have greater concentration and increase stamina, so that when you sit down to create, you can resist the temptations to stand back for very long. Your health will remain in superb condition and your brain will work brighter with some physical as well as mental exercises like deep breathing, yoga and mindfulness sessions.



The New Moon in Virgo illuminates your 7th house of partnership. Today you will feel a bit lethargic and will not be able to concentrate on your work. Taking help of your partner will not be a bad idea. Read books to feel composed and grounded. Just remember to keep a wide smile on your face, and everything will go smoothly. Also, Stay hydrated throughout the day to keep cool and remain calm all day.

Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced During New Moon in Virgo

  1. Wear an Emerald in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly Recommended for Gemini and Virgo natives. Not recommended for Pisces natives. 
  2. Recite the Mantra “VAM” to enhance your creativity and bring success in your ventures. 
  3. Keep a Rainbow Aura Quartz crystal at home, for stability on the relationship front. 


For additional guidance on yoga flows for the New Moon in Virgo, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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