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Pluto in Aquarius: A New Era

astrology Mar 08, 2023


In astrology, the slowest of the outer planets have cycles longer than a human lifespan. Their changes from one Zodiac sign to another are felt on a major collective level. 

Pluto, the planet of change and transformation, first moves from Capricorn to Aquarius at 8:13 am EDT on March 23, 2023. Throughout the year 2024, Pluto will go back and forth on the border between the two signs, finally settling in Aquarius to stay on November 19, 2024 and remain there through 2043. 

In that time, Pluto will move from: 

  • March 23, 2023 Aquarius - June 11, 2023 Capricorn 
  • January 20, 2024 Aquarius - September 1, 2024 Capricorn 
  • Finally settling in Aquarius on November 19, 2024
  • *Note I am using tropical zodiacs

Pluto's cycle lasts 248 years, although it doesn't spend the same amount of time in each Zodiac sign due to an irregular orbit. Over the past century, Pluto's transitions from sign to sign have seemed to correlate with generational shifts. 

For example, baby boomers were born when Pluto was in Leo, millennials were born when Pluto was in Scorpio, and Generation Z was born when Pluto was in Sagittarius. Pluto's move into Aquarius may similarly define a new generation. In the meantime, some upheaval in the world is likely!

Historical Impact of Pluto In Aquarius

Pluto last visited Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. This period was marked by the American Revolution and the French Revolution, both of which demanded increased freedom for the common people.

Freedom could be a big concern this time around as well. Issues involving technology, including AI, might also come up for review. Whatever happens in the collective, it's important to know your strategy for staying centered and focusing on what you can control.

Predictions of Pluto In Aquarius

As Pluto moves from traditional fossil fuel Capricorn to innovative clean energy Aquarius, we can expect a major shift in moving away from the old ways and adopting a new standard in society. 

This shift is also happening during a critical time in the United States, with it being an election year. As mentioned, each candidate with heavily polarizing views. 

Since election day is November 4, 2024, just days before the final official move into Aquarius, we can expect an adoption of more innovative ideas and, hopefully, a more innovative president. 

If, for some reason, the more traditional candidate is chosen, we can expect a major uprising among the population. Since Pluto will then be permanently stationed in the Aquarius (the sign of the future), we can expect to achieve our goals in said uprising. 

What's Aquarius Energy Like?

Aquarius is an air sign. All three air signs — Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius — are focused on talking, thinking, and relationships. 

Uranus was in Aquarius from 1995 to 2003, and then Neptune was in Aquarius from 1998 to 2012. These periods saw the internet and smartphones becoming commonplace. Similar technological breakthroughs could take place while Pluto moves through Aquarius.

Aquarius is also a humanitarian and thinks big. Your companions aren't necessarily the people who live near you. Instead, they're the people who share your beliefs and passions, wherever on the globe they may be.

The growth of the internet has certainly helped people with less common interests find each other. This has been great for building the astrological community.

Aquarius is also a fixed sign, so it can get stubbornly attached to its beliefs. If any of the fixed signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — are prominent in your astrological chart, Pluto's move into Aquarius could be especially challenging for you.

How to Prepare?

  • Don't resist technology. Learn how to use technology and integrate it in your life, since it's going to be there no matter if you agree with it or not. Fearing technology means resisting progress and missing out on countless opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Accept what you can control, and release what you can not. In yoga philosophy, we call this Santosa, meaning contentment or acceptance. It teaches us to seek happiness from within instead of relying on outside people, places or things to find happiness. Happiness is created from within, not from what is going on around us. 
  • Embrace New Ideas. Aquarius has big out of the box ideas and you should expect the unexpected. It's a good time to roll with the punches and try something that isn't your normal, once you give it a try, you might just be changed for life!  
  • Have a regular yoga and meditation practice. Implementing a regular yoga and meditation practice can help you maintain emotional control, release anxiety and embody your higher self. Allowing you to make more calculated and empowered decisions about your life direction. Reducing the ability for external things to control your happiness or even from accomplishing your life goals.

Remember Your Free Will 

As Pluto's upcoming move into Aquarius can seem anxiety-inducing, try not to feed into this fear. 

Our lives are equally shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future.

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life. Consistent yoga and meditation can reduce opportunities for self-sabotage and increase your ability to make life choices aligned with your highest purpose.

In closing

As always, individual experiences during astrological events can vary widely. This could be based on a variety of reasons, including knowing what house transiting Pluto is in for you right now or knowing what dasha period you are currently experiencing. 

When you join the Astro Yoga Experience, you will stay up to date with transiting planets and get directions on how to adjust your decisions, behaviors, and actions to embrace your free will and overcome any challenges from transiting planets such as Mercury Retrograde. 



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