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Planting Powerful Seeds: Ways to Enjoy the New Moon in Taurus

new moon taurus May 10, 2023


Every year, the sensual and nourishing energy of Taurus season peaks with the New Moon in Taurus. The New Moon in Taurus offers a great opportunity for relationships with family, finances and self-care. 

In astrological theory, each planet or celestial body functions more harmoniously in some Zodiac signs than others. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which means that the Moon is able to express itself deeply without risking embarrassment. So feel free to express yourself authentically! 

Because of this, and a New Moon’s natural manifestation nature, a New Moon in Taurus is an especially fertile time to set manifestations. 

Taurus, ruled by sensual Venus, has a focus on comfort. While the Taurus approach is sometimes seen as self-indulgent, the other side of it is that Taurus also seeks stability. Punishing or depriving yourself to reach some ambitious goal often backfires. A strategy that makes room for your human needs is one that you’ll be more likely to stick with.

Here are the dates of the New Moon in Taurus till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -  6 June 2024

Year 2025 -  27 May 2025

Year 2026 -  14 June 2026

Year 2027 -  4 June 2027

Year 2028 -  24 May 2028

Get ready to enjoy:

Increased stamina. Any New Moon tends to bring a lift of physical energy. The type of energy, however, might vary based on the qualities of the associated Zodiac sign. Under the steady influence of fixed sign Taurus, it may take you a moment to get started, but you’re likely to have a lot of stamina once you get going.

Physical pleasure. Taurus is the ultimate work hard, play hard sign. Although its practical, earthy nature understands the necessity of taking care of tasks that aren’t always fun, pleasure is also an important part of the equation. Make time to enjoy your favorite foods, music, clothing, and more at the New Moon in Taurus.

Financial focus. Taurus is associated with finances and material possessions, among other things. The New Moon in Taurus is a great time to assess whether you’re using the resources available to you as effectively as possible. If not, this could turn out to be the subject of your New Moon intention!


Watch out for:

Stubbornness. A negative stereotype of Taurus energy is that it can be stubbornly attached to its opinions. While there are a few situations where an uncompromising attitude is necessary, be extra careful to make sure you are maintaining an appropriate sense of perspective if you find yourself getting in an argument.

Fear of the unknown. The energy of a New Moon calls for, of course, something new. However, Taurus energy has a reputation for being resistant to change. Just acknowledging that fear of the unknown is what you’re dealing with can help you decide more thoughtfully what to do about it. Keep in mind that sometimes you have to let an old structure go before you’re able to come up with a better replacement.

Prepare To Manifest:

Financial Stability. Set intentions for attracting wealth and improving your financial situation. Manifest a new job, a raise, or successful business ventures. Focus on creating a budget or saving plan that works for you.

Patience and Persistence.
Set intentions to cultivate patience and perseverance in achieving your goals. Focus on long-term projects that require steady effort and dedication. Manifest the ability to stay committed to your goals even when progress seems slow.

Relationships and Connections. Intend to build stable and trustworthy relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships. Focus on manifesting loyalty, reliability, and deeper connections with others. Work on improving communication and understanding in your existing relationships.



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.


This new Moon in Taurus cast light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. The angels of the sky will shower you with love and blessings. Business problems will come to a halt next to them. There is a possibility of sudden monetary gains, and property investments will be profitable. The relationship will be stronger if you maintain a positive attitude and behavior. Unemployed individuals can find work. If there is a disagreement in the office, stay calm and be a good listener to help things get resolved. Expenses can add up quickly, so keep a close eye on your budget.



This new Moon in Taurus brightens your 1st house of self-identity. This seems to be a period of unexpected ups and downs. Risky business transactions must be avoided. There will be more work at the workplace. Hard work will result in progress on stalled projects. Allies will also help in this. There will be an excess of anger, due to which there can be discord in the family, so it would be better to keep restraint on unnecessary speech. Time will testify to who is stronger: you or your problems. If you listen to your inner self, you will easily be able to achieve your goals. 



This new Moon in Taurus brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness (Psyche), and expenses.   There will be an enormous workload during this period, but you can expect the full cooperation of family members and colleagues, due to which success will be achieved in all tasks.  Although health seems to be fine, you should not get complacent in any way. Yoga and meditation will help you become physically and mentally strong.  Distant journeys for some look likely during this period.  



This new Moon in Taurus brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  It will be a lucky and productive period for you. It is possible to complete thoughtful work. Success and financial gain in business are inevitable. It is a good period for the unmarried; the chances of marriage will increase. Time will also be good for the students. There will be an excess of workload, due to which you will feel mentally and physically tired. Be careful that your lethargy does not affect your relationships. Otherwise, the family atmosphere will be good.



This new Moon in Taurus brightens your 10th house of career, public image, and appreciation. It seems to be a period full of surprises. There will be success in the fields of education and business. Past investments will yield profits. You will amass a great fortune in the coming days, but unnecessary expenses will also increase anxiety. You will fulfill family responsibilities perfectly with the aid of everyone. It will be a period that will demand lots of hard work from students. There might be an excess of anger, due to which there can be disputes in the family.



This new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. Your office load will increase, but staying calm and acting quickly will help you complete your tasks successfully. There will be opportunities for making financial gains, but first, there will be a lot of hustling and bustling. Travel for some seems likely during this period. Keep your temper under control to avoid starting a fight. There may be some mental tension, which can easily be cured with exercises like yoga and deep breathing.



This new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries. The planetary alignment will help you gratify your manifestation powers, with an increased chance of your dreams turning into reality for you. New deals will be beneficial, which will strengthen the economic situation.  The family atmosphere will be great with understanding and empathy. Avoid running in vain and maintain a mental balance to take care of your overall health.



The new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 7th house of partnership. Opportunities are approaching, and you are ready to take advantage of them. If you want to make long-term gains with your money, think about investing in real estate. Your love life will improve, and your spouse has some exciting news to share. Look after any potential minor health problems; also remember, ”Prevention is better than cure”.



The new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 6th house of health, competition and work. There will be happy reunions in this period, and you get to spend lots of time with old friends. This is a time to celebrate and make cherished memories. Enjoy the period without worrying too much, and allow positive energy to fill you. You can also try on some new decor at home for a unique feel. Overall your health remains good.  You can improve it further by participating in some sports, yoga or meditation programs. 



The new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 5th house of creativity and romance. By the grace of divine powers, you will have a period full of opportunities and good fortune. People will gravitate toward you because of your charisma. It's an ideal time to start a disciplined health routine. The love life can be complicated, so give yourself and your partner some space, and positive changes will occur. Your financial situation will feel secure and stable.



This new Moon in Taurus brightens your 4th house of family peace and comforts. During this period, you need to keep a safe distance from people you know are only around for the good times. You need to start getting involved in family matters now, or you will soon look back and regret it. The state of health appears to be stable. Your financial prospects are good. Someone close to you may intend to make you dance to their tunes, so watch out for any signs of manipulation. 



This new Moon in Taurus illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. When speaking with others, you might feel pressure to brag about your accomplishments, so watch what you say. Despite the possibility of minor health issues, some precautions will certainly help.  Making sincere and significant life decisions at this time is crucial because success only comes from effort and commitment. 


Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced During New Moon in Taurus

  1. Wear a White Opal in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly Recommended for Taurus, Libra, and Pisces natives. Not recommended for Gemini or Virgo natives. 
  2. Recite the Mantra “YAM” to improve your Heart Chakra.
  3. Keep an Aventurine crystal in your home to bring prosperity and financial gains. 


Take Ownership Of Your Life 

Our lives are shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future. 

When you pay attention to transits, you learn when to engage more with life or let go. Allowing you to maximize your efforts where it’s needed most and save your energy when it’s not necessary. 

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life and finally start taking life into your own hands. 



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