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Passionate and Fixed Intensity: Embracing the New Moon in Leo

leo new moon Jul 23, 2023

Energy tends to be high throughout Leo season, occasionally erupting in drama. The New Moon in Leo is an opportunity for all that excitement to find focus.

Leo is ruled by the passionate Sun. At worst, when it becomes a little too solar, Leo energy can become bombastic and narcissistic. When the more intimate Moon joins the Sun for the New Moon in Leo, this may provide needed balance.

The New Moon in Leo is a golden moment to embrace pleasure and self-expression. In the proper context, these are not shallow or frivolous priorities — they’re an important part of finding your purpose in life.

One of the things Leo rules is children. For many people, having children is a big part of the legacy they leave on Earth. Even if you don't have children, you may make lasting contributions to the world in other ways — perhaps you’ve written a book or founded a community that you nurture to the point people recognize it as your baby! 

The New Moon in Leo is an excellent chance to reflect on your progress of this sort and decide whether you want to make any changes. Consider whether your inner child is happy with what you’ve done.

Here are the dates of the New Moon in Leo till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -  03 September, 2024

Year 2025 -  24 July, 2025

Year 2026 -  12 August, 2026

Year 2027 -  02 August, 2027

Year 2028 -  22 July, 2028

Any New Moon is a great time to set intentions. If you don’t have specific personal goals in mind at the moment, these suggestions for the New Moon in Leo might give you some ideas.


Get ready to enjoy:

Important insights. Leo is associated with the third eye chakra, which provides intuition and direction. Leo loves to have fun, and this can be misunderstood as immature and unserious. Sometimes knowing what makes you happy is a key part of understanding your destiny in life!

Pure pleasure. Fixed sign Leo works hard and plays hard. The New Moon in Leo is a great opportunity to throw yourself into whatever you truly find enjoyable. Even if it doesn't seem like a productive use of time, indulging in pleasure will replenish your energy for any other tasks you need to accomplish going forward.


Watch out for:

Drama.The Moon in Leo can bring extra drama at any time of year. When the Moon is in Leo during Leo season, this potential is heightened. Try not to take it personally if someone around you just needs to blow off steam. Of course, keeping up with your own yoga and meditation can help you stay calm enough to avoid getting sucked into anyone else’s turmoil.

Self-centeredness. An influx of Leo energy can increase your awareness of your needs and desires. This is often information that’s good for you to know. However, keep in mind that others around you might be experiencing similar insights about their needs and desires! As you go about pursuing your own satisfaction, try to avoid imposing on anyone else’s freedom to follow their bliss. Remember that your way is not necessarily the right way for everyone.


Set an intention to manifest:

Expressing yourself. If you have a favorite creative pursuit like writing, painting, or music, strengthening your commitment to that could be an excellent use of the New Moon in Leo. However, art isn’t the only way you might need to express yourself. Simply speaking up for your needs and desires could be crucial!



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.



The New Moon in Leo illuminates your 5th house of education, creativity and romance. The day will be full of new opportunities for you, you may face some challenges in your day, but your confidence and courageous attitude will make it look easy to you. Your relationships will be cheerful and joyous, bubbling with happiness. You need to stay true to yourself and learn to say no when needed. You deserve extravagant celebration at times of victory so don’t shy away from making your wins public.


The New Moon in Leo brightens your 4th house of family peace and comforts. The divine powers will bless you with family comforts and peace. You must take care of your health to be mentally fit and physically energetic. Your determination will help you achieve your goals successfully. In case of confusion always strive for balance because balance is always the best strategy. You may meet a new person today who might turn out to be fruitful in your life.



This New Moon in Leo illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, siblings, learning, and friends. The planetary alignments will create a lot of opportunities for you to prove your caliber and legacy. Your relationship with your friends and family may deteriorate due to arrogance which you can easily fix by giving them the quality time needed and also going the extra mile to sort issues. Traveling will bring favorable results.


This New Moon in Leo cast light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. The day will unfold many new surprises for you and will bring you many new experiences as a whole. You will certainly meet a person with whom you had lost contact for a very long time. Your family life will remain in a harmonious and ecstatic state with smiling faces around the corner and sounds of laughter coming from home.


This new Moon in Leo brightens your 1st house of self-identity. Practice makes a man perfect, and so will help you to accomplish your endeavors. Just keep in mind to be present every day and then success is for sure. Don’t get carried away by anyone and always reconfirm and check any fact before turning it into a belief. You should keep some dietary restrictions to gain a healthy shape and be fit. Put down all the energy suckers around you and just get ahead without any fear.


This new Moon in Leo brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness (Psyche), and expenses.  Today, God has a special plan for you and he will make you succeed in most of your attempts. All these things which were concerning you for so long will be resolved today. Your family life will be full of harmony and ecstasy. You might feel confused due to some of your dilemmas which can easily be resolved by meditation sessions once a day. Your health will be in excellent condition.


This new Moon in Leo brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  Your kind heart full of pure love is what makes you special, this trait of yours is very rare today and is very hard to find in people nowadays. Your simple acts of generosity backed by integrity, will make you a better person and will set a benchmark of your own. Your health will be in an excellent state today with high levels of energy preserved throughout the day.



This new Moon in Leo brightens your 10th house of career, public image, and appreciation. The divine powers will help you get ahead of all the challenges you face every day, alongside giving you a motivational boost to conquer your fears. Your spontaneity will make you the talk of the town and the center of attraction for any group of friends. The impulsive plans that you make with your friends would excite them and keep the spirit high within the group.



This new Moon in Leo illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. The day will be a great one for you. You will be very lucky with the numbers today and anything related to numbers like paychecks or your investments will turn out to be in your favor. You are going to meet some favorite people and will spend an eccentric gala time with them. Don’t be too hard on your stomach and try to minimize your junk food intake and increase fresh food and adequate water.



This New Moon in Leo illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries. Today, you will reinvent some of the views through which you see the world around you. Because sometimes it is necessary to forget things in order to relearn the correct view. All the previous problems in your life that are bothering you will soon vanish and some eclectic and legendary memories are waiting for you to be made.


The New Moon in Leo illuminates your 7th house of partnership. The day will bring out the hidden superstar in you, and you will lead your relationship to a new height. You will be kind,  generous and understanding. Your morale will rise today and your partner will sense that and be affectionate towards you because of your sweet and kind nature. Your health will be in an excellent state, and you will feel energetic till the end of your day.


The New Moon in Leo illuminates your 6th house of health, competition, and work. Today your fortune will sparkle like a diamond and your decisions will turn out to be accurate, because the cosmic powers are in your favor today and they will help you in all the phases throughout the day. You will spend a splendid time with your favorite ones around you and your personal reflections will help you get out of some troubles and create some long-lasting memories. Your health will be in perfect condition with some mental issues like stress, which can easily be handled with powerful tools like yoga and deep breathing.


Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced During New Moon in Leo

  1. Wear a Ruby in a Gold Ring or a bracelet. Highly Recommended for Aries, and Leo natives. Not recommended for Cancer and Libra natives. 
  2. Recite the Mantra “LAM” to heal past relationship traumas. 
  3. Keep a Rose Quartz crystal at home, for enhancing your love life. 

For more information on the best yoga flow for the New Moon in Leo, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!




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