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Opposites Attract: Understanding the Full Moon in Capricorn

capricorn full moon Jun 11, 2023

The Full Moon in Capricorn always takes place during Cancer season, because the Full Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are in opposite Zodiac signs. Opposite Zodiac signs often deal with similar issues, or they look at the same problem from opposite perspectives.

What Cancer and Capricorn have in common is that they’re associated with parenting. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is the archetype of the nurturing mother. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is the archetype of the stern father. 

In today’s world, these are roles that can be filled by people of any gender — and you don’t need to have children of your own to find yourself in at least one of these roles sometimes.

More broadly, we all experience both situations where we need to focus on emotions and situations where we need to be structured. Balancing Cancer and Capricorn energy can prepare us to deal with whatever comes up in our lives.

At a Full Moon in Capricorn, the conflict between these two ways of approaching the world could be emphasized. We might also see the drawbacks of getting stuck at one extreme or the other. We may be frustrated that our efforts to be kind and caring just get us taken advantage of — or perhaps we have reached our limit with rigid rules that lack compassion.

Here are the dates of the Full Moon in Capricorn till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -   July 21, 2024

Year 2025 -   July 10, 2025

Year 2026 -   July 29, 2026

Year 2027 -   July 18, 2027

Year 2028 -   July 06, 2028


Get ready to enjoy:

A cleaner house. Cancer energy loves to get cozy at home. Although cuddling might be more fun than cleaning, the structure of Capricorn can nudge you to do what’s necessary to keep your space tidy. Even if you don’t enjoy the process right away, you’ll feel better after it’s done!

Commitment to a relationship. You might know that you and a loved one care about each other, but a Capricorn Full Moon could give you an opportunity to define what you expect from your bond in practical detail. It’s a great time to take the next step with a romantic partner or set up a routine for regular visits with a relative.


Watch out for:

Emotions out of control. Cancer can be a moody sign to begin with. With its ruler, the Moon, under a bit of stress, the feelings may be hard to rein in! Although any drama that pops up might be uncomfortable in the moment, fully hearing out whoever is upset could show you a valid problem that needs to be fixed going forward.

Conflict over relationship roles. It’s common for people in longstanding relationships — romantic or not — to fall into established roles with each other. While knowing what to expect may make daily life easier, sometimes the dynamic can become restrictive to at least one person. Tension of this sort could come out at a Full Moon in Capricorn.


Try to release:

Resentment about the past. Cancer energy can be sentimental and nostalgic. If your memories of your early life aren’t pleasant, though, you could tend to ruminate on what went wrong. At the Full Moon in Capricorn, you may be especially aware of ways that your parents or other caregivers failed to provide what you needed when you were growing up. You can’t change the past, but perhaps there’s a way that you can give yourself the nurturing you need now.


People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.


This full moon in Capricorn brightens your 10th house of career, success, authority, public image, and appreciation. The planetary alignments will take care of all your issues today, granting you a day full of appreciation. It is a time when success and luck are at your fingertips. You must avoid being distracted from your work and maintain your concentration.  It is a perfect period to work on new plans with new energy.  



This full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. With luck favoring you, success is right around the corner; all you need to do is keep working as diligently and tenaciously as you have been. Expect an improvement in your family life. Give yourself a break from your busy schedule by organizing an outing with family and friends. Although you may have some health issues today, you will feel secure financially. You will experience new energy by achieving success in your tasks.



This full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries.  It seems to be a great day for research and attending important jobs. Leaving the past and implementing new ideas will bring you gains.  It is very likely that you will run into an old friend. Today you will be surrounded by ecstasy and happiness, and your self-confidence will be at its highest. Health will be good, and financial circumstances will be in order.



The Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates your 7th house of partnership, work relationship, and marriage. A day when you must consider everyone's opinions before making any decisions in order to prevent conflicts and differences because personal selfishness can dominate your relationships and cause distance. Spend more time exercising and eating healthy food.  Your day will proceed according to plan, as you had anticipated. Good day to implement Yoga and meditation into your daily routine.



The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 6th house of competition, planning, finance, health, and wellness. The time is in your favor and it's a good time to take up the challenges that are coming your way. You will spend some quality time with your colleagues at work place. It’s a good time to trust your instincts and do what you find pleasure in. Financially, you are likely to get support from a close friend. Health-wise, you will expect gains if you look at alternative healing. 



The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance. Today will be a good day for starting something new. Creative endeavors will bring you gains. There will be a chance to establish new, mutually beneficial relationships. Due to a heavy workload, you might feel mentally and physically exhausted. Past investment brings gains. As Cupid blesses you, love birds can expect some exciting moments together.  



This full moon in Capricorn brightens your 4th house of family peace, home comforts, and education. Today, the planetary alignments will take care of all your problems and bless you with a problem-free day. The day may start out slow, but it will end up being highly productive. There is a possibility you and your family members could plan a trip together.  



This full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. Your day will be highly productive, and your relationships with your friends will get stronger. Although your workload will increase, you will manage it fairly well. Today, a colleague might say something unkind to you. But it is advisable to defend your own interests and stop allowing these people to bother you. Avoid letting them divert your attention from your work and keep your eye on the prize.  



This full moon in Capricorn casts light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. You will have plenty of chances to showcase your skills throughout the day, which is packed with opportunities for you. Today may be the start of a new endeavor that will help you improve your financial situation. Past challenges seem to fade. Today, an old friend will cross your path. You can expect recognition for the work done in the past. Conditions will be under control in terms of health.



This full moon in Capricorn brightens your 1st house of self-identity. Make today a new beginning because you can expect your life to change. The sooner you accept these changes, the better it will be for you, so try to adjust to them as soon as possible. You might embark on a brand-new endeavor that will boost your financial situation. Stability can be anticipated in terms of finances. Be modest and positive to learn more useful experiences from colleagues. Your wealth is determined by the connections you make, so keep an open ear and network effectively.



This full moon in Capricorn brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness, losses, intuition, and health. The day can be very busy and demanding, use your intuition to make correct decisions.  Strength will grow in the personal sphere. There is stabilization in health. Expenses rise, but a new avenue for earning will increase your sense of security financially. You will likely run into an acquaintance.  Take care of health and diet to ensure a fit and healthy physique.



This full moon in Capricorn brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends. It’s a pretty pleasant day for you when you can expect gains and appreciation on the work front. A hike in salary for some will improve your financial conditions. Some health issues might bother you today, so take care. Be careful when dealing with your friends as you could be easily misunderstood. Travel plans for some could materialize.   


Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced during Capricorn Full Moon. 

  1. Wear Blue Sapphire in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly recommended for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius natives. Not recommended for Aries and Leo natives. 
  2. Keep an Onyx Crystal to enhance self-esteem and confidence.  
  3. Recite Mantra “LAM” for self-development.  


Take Ownership Of Your Life 

Our lives are shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future. 

When you pay attention to transits, you learn when to engage more with life or let go. Allowing you to maximize your efforts where it’s needed most and save your energy when it’s not necessary. 

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life and finally start taking life into your own hands.

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