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Online Yoga for Beginners

May 12, 2021

If you've never practiced yoga before and would like to start, you have a reliable resource available to you to begin your journey. 

Not only can you attend in-person yoga classes at a studio, gym, or community center, now you have access to yoga through the power of the internet. Online yoga is readily available to you if you'd like to learn the history, philosophy, and practice of yoga.

Yoga is a highly popular exercise today and there is much to know about this particular discipline. But where do you begin if you are new to the experience? Fortunately, there are ways to access the many facets of yoga via the online template.



To get an introduction to what yoga looks like, you may want to watch individuals engaged in a yoga session. An easy way to do this is to watch yoga videos online; YouTube is a great platform to search for yoga content. The benefit of this particular resource is that the videos are free to watch. You will be able to find all types of yoga practices to give you a general idea of what you can do in yoga.

As you become more familiar with the ways in which people practice, you can begin to search for specific reasons why yoga is helpful. For example, if you have stiff muscles, are recovering from knee replacement surgery, or need to learn how to relax, you can do searches for these reasons. You are guaranteed to find yoga methods to address these issues. You will soon discover that yoga is practical for many reasons: yoga for alignment, yoga for strength, yoga for relaxing, and more.


Social Media

Another platform to find more about yoga includes social media: Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, and other resources can be reference points for you to see the multiple ways one can practice yoga. You can view pictures as well as short videos to gain insight about yoga.

Once you have done your preliminary research, you can now ask yourself: "what do I need from a yoga practice?" Yoga can be a very personal experience. That is, whatever you are needing in your life, be it a relaxed mind or stronger muscles, yoga can be a the foundation for that personal journey.


The Yoga Basics

Whatever your intention, you want to begin with some basics of yoga: breath, postures, alignment, and movement. These can be learned when you are introduced to The Sun Salutation. This is a series of yoga postures that flow together with the guidance of intentional breathing. The Sun Salutation consists of up to 12 yoga poses that positively affect the body: stretching tight muscles, strengthening weaker areas, building better posture, and focusing on the present moment. This flowing sequence creates the foundation for your yoga practice. It can be used as a way to warm up your body for a full yoga class. The Sun Salutation can also act as a stand-alone sequence of movements to work your entire system. Done consistently, you will see and feel many changes occur through your body and mind.

You can find the Sun Salutation through the aforementioned platforms, but you may want to experience more formal and personal teaching to unit your needs.


Online Yoga Schools & Studios

Today, many yoga schools and studios have an online presence where you can participate in live online yoga classes. This may require paid weekly or monthly memberships to gain access to these sessions. With this live online format, a yoga teacher, although virtual, will be able to give you guidance and assistance as you practice from the comfort of your own home.

To gain even more personal experience, you can hire a personal yoga teacher or do online one-on-one yoga classes. Not only can this be done in person, but online yoga lessons is quite popular and extremely helpful. Again, the teacher can provide you specific instruction as you learn the Sun Salutation series and other yoga poses. You can discuss personal needs or address physical conditions that can be addressed in your yoga lessons.


Yoga Apps for Your Mobile Device

To supplement your personal yoga instruction, you can always refer back to the online videos and social media. Another source for maintaining a consistent practice is by downloading yoga apps to your mobile device. These programs offer additional training as you develop your yoga practice. Certified instructors on these platforms provide yoga sequences or breathing exercises to deepen your understanding of yoga and how it can help you on a daily basis.


Yoga History

Moving through sequences of yoga poses is only one aspect of the yoga philosophy. As mentioned, there are many things to learn about his ancient art. Once you have become familiar with the physical aspect of yoga by engaging in some classes with your personal instructor, watching yoga videos, and using yoga apps, you can extend your yoga knowledge. You can learn more about the origins and history of yoga. The internet remains a reliable resource for that continued growth. Some topics to entertain are The History of Yoga, The Eight Limbs of Yoga, and various styles of yoga like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Mindfulness Meditation.

Although there may be lots to learn about yoga, you do not have to feel intimidated by the practice if you're a beginner. Start simply; watch yoga videos, learn the Sun Salutation with an online yoga teacher, develop a practice that targets your specific needs, and continue your journey with a consistency and devotion. It all starts with the curiosity of yoga and the desire to make shifts and changes in your own life.

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