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Make the Most of the Full Moon in Libra

full moon libra Apr 03, 2023


A key feature of Aries season every year is the Full Moon in Libra. When we talk about Full Moon we should know that any Full Moon takes place when the Moon and the Sun are in opposite Zodiac signs.  

Experiencing a full moon in Libra during Aries season brings a dynamic interplay between the contrasting energies of these two signs. 

Aries, ruled by Mars, represents assertiveness, individuality, and action, while Libra, ruled by Venus, embodies harmony, relationships, and diplomacy. The polarity between Aries and Libra highlights the balance between self and others, independence and cooperation, and impulsiveness and deliberation.

During this full moon, you might feel a tug-of-war between your personal desires and your need to maintain harmonious relationships. The Aries sun encourages you to pursue your goals with vigor and assertiveness, pushing for personal achievements and self-expression. 

In contrast, the Libra full moon urges you to consider the impact of your actions on those around you, emphasizing the importance of compromise and mutual understanding.

This period can be an opportunity for growth by finding a middle ground between these opposing forces. You may feel compelled to address imbalances in your relationships, striving to harmonize your assertive impulses with a more considerate approach. 

It’s a time to reflect on how you can assert your individuality while still valuing and nurturing your connections with others.

Here are the dates of the Full Moon in Libra till 2028 as per Vedic Astrology  

Year 2024 - April 23, 2024

Year 2025 - April 12, 2025

Year 2026 - April 02, 2026

Year 2027 - April 20, 2027

Year 2028 - April 09, 2028


Get ready to enjoy:

Moments of beauty. Libra is ruled by Venus and is associated with beauty. The Full Moon in Libra is a great opportunity to appreciate what’s beautiful in your surroundings. You can get the most out of the Full Moon in Libra by choosing to spend time in attractive environments and listening to pleasing music.

Relationship breakthroughs. At the Full Moon in Libra, you may experience an intense moment of connection in one of your relationships. You might feel like you understand each other or appreciate each other more than usual. You can increase the chances of this happening by proactively telling a loved one all the reasons why you’re glad to have them in your life.

Watch out for:

Relationship drama. The Aries-Libra polarity is all about relationships. Aries represents the self, and Libra represents the other. If a key relationship in your life is out of balance, conflict could erupt at the Full Moon in Libra.

People-pleasing. While Aries has a reputation for being a self-centered sign, Libra goes to the other extreme of codependency and people-pleasing, being overly focused on someone else’s happiness at the expense of your own. If this is an ongoing issue for you, it could come to a head at the Full Moon in Libra.

Honest feedback. If you’ve been stepping on someone else’s toes, you might finally hear about it at the Full Moon in Libra. Maybe you didn’t mean to hurt them, but it’s best to stay focused on what will fix the problem going forward instead of arguing over what was or was not intended.


Try to release:

Relationships where you are just not treated well. Libra energy acknowledges the importance of relationships and usually puts in the effort to make them run as smoothly as possible. However, it’s not working on the relationship if you’re the only person who ever does any of the work. If you’re in a relationship where the other person is not treating you well and not open to change, the Full Moon in Libra is a good time to cut ties.

Ugliness. If there is something in your life that is physically or emotionally ugly, just get rid of it at the Full Moon in Libra. You may want to set boundaries around your consumption of news or social media if you tend to find the content upsetting.



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.


The Full Moon illuminates your 7th house of partnership and it's time to focus on improving your relationship with others.  Time to embrace your strength from within and clear away all the doubts that you have in your mind. You always live by your free will and make your decisions on your own. You can even attain a flow state while doing your work with true passion and dedication. All your work matters will be solved with some great decision-making skills. You just need to stay upright and everything will fall in the right place.



The full moon in Libra illuminates your 6th house of competition, your natural magnetism and charm will bring many happy moments to your life with the entry of many new people who will stay with you for a long. You need to stay true to yourself and learn to say no when needed. You deserve extravagant celebration at times of victory so don't shy away from making your wins public.



The full moon in Libra illuminates your 5th house of creativity and romance. The cosmic powers will back you up to rise to the next level and take a leap from your past levels of work. The period ahead brings unexpected financial opportunities for you which may bring great incentives for you. It's important to prioritize self-care because your social respect starts with high self-esteem and true love for yourself. Distance yourself from the people who don't make you feel great and never leave those who make you feel on top of the world with abundant love and respect.



This full moon in Libra, brightens your 4th house of family comforts, bringing you closer to a period full of surprises, just wait for the right time. The cosmos is aligned in such a way, that it will provide you immense confidence to conquer whatever you desire. Embrace your creativity take on problems in your hand and solve them with your wit and creativity.  



This full moon in Libra, illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning and friends. This is a period to take calculated risks and step out of your comfort zone. Because there is no gain without giving away comfort and safety, to succeed you must take risks and conquer them with your valor and courage. Money matters are looking up, with unexpected gains coming the way.



This full moon in Libra cast light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. You will be in the spotlight with attention from all sides bringing you appreciation and rewards. Change indicates personal growth and maturity which will guide you in the tough times and shape a dynamic personality. Health wise you will be doing good and will possess infectious energy to feel liberated and live life to the very best.



This full moon in Libra brightens your 1st house of self-identity. This will enhance your energy and also your level of confidence. It is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize things around you. Ancient jargon says that your environment defines your mental state. This time will stir up a new understanding of your relationships which will enhance the bonds and will make you feel fulfilled. Your dreams will inevitably become your reality if you are committed to them and are ready to sacrifice your pleasures.



This full moon in Libra brightens your 12th house of health, expenses, intuition, and spirituality.  The divine blessings will add to your overall health and maintain a positive approach throughout the period ahead. Your relationships will remain blissful with resolved matters and complete peace. You will be showered with luck in your money matters and will receive huge gains in your past investment. Be careful of where you put fresh money.



This full moon in Libra brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  This is the best time for you to plan a trip and have some relaxation time away from stress and orders. You should enjoy the time to its fullest because time is limited. Your philosophical beliefs will change over time and will enable you a positive view to look at things. You should keep a check on your health too with a regular morning routine to stay energized and experience tranquility.



This full moon in Libra brightens your 10th house of career, fame, and appreciation. You can expect many personal gains along with enormous financial success. Your relationships will work smoothly, and you will feel an abundance of love and joy. All of your pre-existing problems will get a full stop next to them with a shift of paradigm and a mature mind will evolve out of the experiences you will gain in the meanwhile. You must stay clear in all your relationships with transparency and effective communication between all the members of the family.



This full moon in Libra illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. The planetary alignment will ensure that you excel in your field with great results and a focused mind. You will get fruits of yours, long, perseverance, and will also gain precious experience alongside. You can expect some monetary gains in the period ahead. Your creativity will help you solve your problems efficiently and will enable you to convert your weaknesses into strengths. Your personality will be magnetic and you will make many new connections in the period ahead.



This full moon in Libra illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries.  With cosmic energy working in your favor, you may accomplish more than you might ever imagine. Not a bad idea to take some rest and plan a holiday.  You will remain inspired by a lot of exciting things happening around you. Your wisdom will help you solve problems in your life and remember to be patient because patience leads to gorgeous results. Your health will remain in an excellent state.


Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced during Full Moon. 

  1. Wear Opal in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly Recommended for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius natives. Not recommended for Leo, Scorpio, and Pisces natives. 
  2. Drink water in a Silver Glass
  3. Keep a Rose Quartz on your work table for gathering success and wealth. 
  4. Recite Mantra “Yam” to improve your Heart Chakra. 


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