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5 Ways to Make the Most of Cancer Season

cancer May 31, 2023

Cancer is a very intuitive water sign representing how we hold our emotions, nurture, and care for ourselves and others. Known as the "Mother" of all the zodiacs, it makes Cancer season a great time to conceive a baby, make your house a home, and spend time with family.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and just as the Moon changes phases often, Cancer energy can be moody with feelings that seem to change quickly! During Cancer season, feelings are likely to be close to the surface, and people may be touchy and easily offended.

So yes, you may feel a bit more sensitive and emotionally wound up. But who says getting in touch with your emotions more is bad?

If you usually ignore and try to avoid your emotions, this season has a way of making you face them! Once those emotions start flowing freely, you'll likely find some good vibes in the mix too.

Open yourself up to what cancer season has to teach you. One of the most beautiful things about being human is the wide array of emotions we experience. 

The cutoff dates for Cancer season may vary slightly each year. Generally, as per Vedic (Sidereal) astrology, Sun is typically in Cancer from July 16 to August 16.

Keep reading to learn 5 ways to make the most of Cancer season!


1. Get into cooking.

The Moon rules food and nourishment, so Cancer season is a great chance to improve your cooking skills. Instead of going for the most unusual recipe you can find, pick something you’ll actually eat or drink — whatever you personally consider comfort food. You might find it’s easier than you think to prepare special treats you usually get at restaurants, like cold brew coffee, and this could make you proud of your ability to nourish yourself.


2. Spend time in water.

Cancer is one of the three Zodiac signs associated with the element of water, along with Scorpio and Pisces. Depending on where in the world you live, Cancer season may also fall during the best part of the year for outdoor recreation. Going to a river, lake, or beach could help you connect with the flowing vibe of the moment. Even if you choose not to get wet, just hanging out near a natural body of water can be restorative.


 3. Connect with loved ones.

Cancer season is an ideal opportunity to spend time with family and friends (while perhaps also enjoying good food together). Identifying the people you care about and making them a priority is crucial. That said, sometimes Cancer energy gone wrong can become cliquey, shutting out those who don’t belong instead of finding a way to widen the circle — watch out for that!


4. Make your home cozy.

The symbol of Cancer is the crab, which has a secure shell for a built-in home. Cancer season can therefore be a good occasion to make your home more comfortable. If you live in a shared space, at least take care of the part you have control over yourself. While clean is great, there’s no need to go for a totally minimalist look — a few sentimental items can really set the right atmosphere!

5. Indulge in nostalgia.

The Moon is associated with one’s early life and upbringing. Reminiscing about the past can therefore be especially rewarding during Cancer season. For many people, summer is full of vivid childhood memories. Try rediscovering a movie or game that kept you busy on long summer nights when you were young!

Astrological remedies to stay balanced during Cancer season.

  1. Wear a Moonstone in Silver ring on your right-hand little finger. Highly recommended for Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo natives and not recommended for Scorpio and Pisces. 
  2. Keep an Aquamarine on your work table to enhance your concentration, confidence and boost your level of energy.
  3. Recite the mantra “YAM” to improve your Heart Chakra.

Take Ownership Of Your Life 

Our lives are shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future. 

When you pay attention to transits, you learn when to engage more with life or let go. Allowing you to maximize your efforts where it’s needed most and save your energy when it’s not necessary. 

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life and finally start taking life into your own hands.




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