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Loving Yourself Too: A Challenge for the Full Moon in Aries

aries full moon Aug 16, 2023

The Full Moon in Aries is a climactic point of Libra season. While the Sun is in relationship-oriented Libra, getting along with others in a harmonious way is often a high priority. However, when the passionate Moon moves into the opposite sign, self-centered Aries, anything that’s been suppressed in the name of peace could come roaring out.

Most years have one Full Moon in Aries, though sometimes there are two. This year, the Full Moon in Aries takes place on September 29, 2023, at 5:58 am EDT.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty. Whenever the influence of Libra is prominent, sweeping conflict under the rug may seem necessary to keep things looking attractive. Meanwhile, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of self-assertion. When the sensitive Moon takes on this potentially aggressive energy, emotions can be raw.

Any Full Moon is an opportune time to release unneeded physical and emotional baggage. If you don’t already have something in mind to shed, this list of characteristics of the Full Moon in Aries might give you ideas.

Watch out for:

  • Relationship conflict. An interpersonal issue you’d rather not deal with could demand to be addressed at the Full Moon in Aries. However, a relationship dynamic that depends on suppressing someone’s freedom or individuality isn’t likely to function peacefully forever. Hear everyone out, even if it’s uncomfortable.
  • Rushing to unsustainable solutions. With the Moon in volatile Aries, things could get loud. It may be tempting to quickly solve a problem by letting whoever is making the most noise have their way. Wanting to move on with your day peacefully is certainly an understandable desire. That said, try to think through the eventual costs of the decision you’re considering.

Get ready to enjoy:

  • Taking initiative in romance. The Full Moon in Aries is a great time to ask someone out or request a deeper level of commitment in an established relationship. Although accepting the possibility of changing your current dynamic can be scary, that’s often the only way you’ll know if the other person wants the same things you do.
  • Asserting yourself professionally. The relationship benefits that are possible at the Full Moon in Aries don’t just apply to romance — they can also apply to business connections. If you’re not being treated fairly at your current job, it’s a good time to respectfully air your concerns to a boss or colleague who is able to do something about them. If you’re looking for work, you can put your best foot forward.

Try to release:

  • Excessive obligations. We all have to do things we don’t enjoy sometimes — that’s part of the reality of living in a society with other people. If the burdens placed on you by others have gone beyond what is reasonable, though, the Full Moon in Aries is an opportunity to stand up for yourself and set some limits.

Consider these yoga poses:

  • Aries rules the solar plexus chakra, so Aries yoga poses like Warrior Pose (in all variations) and Skull Shining Breath strengthen the abdominal area, which is often referred to as the core. A strong core is potentially the last thing anyone wants to hear about while the conciliatory mood of Libra season encourages you to bend over backward to please others, but acknowledging that your personal needs are a valid part of life can minimize drama at the Full Moon in Aries.
  • Libra, ruled by Venus, is associated with the heart chakra. Strengthening the heart chakra can help you find a way to love others and love yourself at the same time. Libra yoga poses geared toward this purpose include Goddess Squat. Meanwhile, of the Warrior Poses that are good for Aries energy, Warrior Pose 2 is especially grounding and realigning for Libra energy.

For more guidance on yoga flows for the Full Moon in Aries, join the Astro Yoga Experience!



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