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Jupiter Retrograde: Your Questions Answered!

retrogrades Sep 10, 2023


Jupiter Retrograde is a regular astrological occurrence that's often overlooked. Paying attention to it can help you follow the shifting vibes of cosmic abundance. 

What is Jupiter Retrograde?

A planetary retrograde happens when a planet appears to be moving backward in terms of relative position to Earth. 

Retrogrades of the inner planets — MercuryVenus, and Mars — often cause noticeable disruptions in daily life. For Jupiter and beyond, though, planetary retrogrades last longer and have more subtle effects. Jupiter typically spends a few months retrograde each year. 


When is Jupiter Retrograde?

In 2023, Jupiter will be retrograde from September 4, 2023, to December 30, 2023. The Jupiter Retrograde will begin at 15° Taurus and end at 5° Taurus. How Jupiter in Taurus is likely to generally affect you depends on which house in your birth chart is involved. 

This year, Jupiter will be retrograde from October 9, 2024, to February 4, 2025. The Jupiter Retrograde will begin at 21° Gemini and end at 11° Gemini. Note I am using tropical zodiacs.


What's special about Jupiter?

Jupiter rules travel, expansion, higher education, and spirituality. Most of the time, these are good things that help people learn and grow without too much pain. Jupiter is therefore referred to as one of the two benefic planets. (The other benefic planet is Venus.)

Jupiter embodies abundance and limitless possibilities. When Jupiter is prominent in your birth chart or in an astrological transit you're having, you may find the money and other resources you need to achieve your goals.

However, even Jupiter has a difficult side. While Jupiter is retrograde, it might be especially important to know the negative ways that Jupiter can manifest.

Jupiter can simply make whatever you're dealing with bigger. For example, if you're involved in a dramatic conflict, adding the influence of bombastic Jupiter could inflame tempers further. Also, Jupiter has the energy of a guru or teacher. This power may be used for good, but it can also be used to bully and dominate others. 

Who benefits most from Jupiter Retrograde?

Jupiter Retrograde makes Jupiter stay within a particular range of degrees for longer than it usually would. Although Jupiter's cycle of just under 12 years averages out to spending about a year in each Zodiac sign, Jupiter can zip through a sign faster than that if there's no Jupiter Retrograde to hold it there. If this happens for, say, a Jupiter Return that you were counting on to bring you blessings, you might feel like you blinked, and it was over.

However, suppose a Jupiter Retrograde coincides with your Jupiter Return or some other generally positive transit like Jupiter going over your Sun. In that case, you may enjoy having the benefits of that transit stretched out for several months. 

Who might have a hard time with Jupiter Retrograde?

Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. It is also the traditional ruler of Pisces, though Neptune is now the modern ruler of Pisces. If Sagittarius' or Pisces' energy is prominent in your chart, you might find on some level that your desire to expand and transcend boundaries meets more pushback than usual. Be mindful not to overcommit yourself to too many things and make self-care essential during this time.

What should you do when Jupiter is retrograde?

Release expectations. Jupiter's energy can be ambitious and goal-oriented, and that's often exactly what you need to get things done. However, when Jupiter is retrograde, you might not make progress as quickly as you thought you were going to. Jupiter always wants to teach you, but sometimes the lesson you need to learn is not the lesson you thought you were going to learn. Try to just enjoy the journey, even if it seems slow.

Know your limits. Jupiter often tests limits, and sometimes that helps you discover you're capable of things you thought you couldn't do. However, some boundaries are in place for a reason. While Jupiter is retrograde, be especially cautious about bending the rules and don't take on more than you can handle. 

What yoga is recommended for Jupiter Retrograde? 

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, supports our spiritual and self-awareness journeys. During the retrograde period, you may be making meaningful improvements, but know that the fruits of your labor may not materialize until this planet goes direct again. 

At this time, one should practice Karma Yoga. Karma yoga is the discipline of selfless and devoted action. This means doing your work to the best of your ability without getting attached to the result or the involvement of the ego.

Karma yoga is not a physical style of yoga practice, it's a practice of yoga philosophy that teaches us that we should do our work in the world with no desire for success or failure. We should be totally indifferent to the results of our actions and we should surrender any fruits of our action to God, the Universe or our Higher Selves. 

What happens once Jupiter goes Direct? 

When Jupiter goes direct after a period of retrograde motion, you are more likely to experience an amplification of Jupiterian influences. 

Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion, and its direct motion is often associated with a sense of growth and progress. This can manifest in various areas of life, including growth in personal development, career, and relationships. There may also be a noticeable increase in optimism and a more positive outlook on life. This can contribute to a sense of well-being and confidence.

Jupiter is often associated with opportunities and good luck. When it goes direct, there may be a perception of increased opportunities presenting themselves. This could be a favorable time for taking risks or pursuing new ventures.

As always, individual experiences during astrological events can vary widely. This could be based on a variety of reasons, including knowing what house transiting Jupiter is in for you right now or knowing what dasha period you are currently experiencing. 

When you join the Astro Yoga Experience, you will stay up to date with transiting planets and get directions on how to adjust your decisions, behaviors and actions to embrace your free will and overcome any challenges from transiting planets. 



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