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Jupiter Conjunct North Node in Taurus

astrology May 07, 2023

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters the earthy and abundant sign of Taurus on May 16, 2023, at 1:20 pm EDT. Shortly thereafter, Jupiter unites with the North Node, a point associated with destiny. Under these conditions, it’s necessary to think very big!

Jupiter in Taurus: Emphasis on Sensual Pleasure

Jupiter’s cycle is almost 12 years long, so it spends about one year in each Zodiac sign during that time. When Jupiter moves through Taurus, everything associated with the sign of Taurus tends to become bigger.

Although Jupiter is regarded as one of the two benefic planets, the expansion Jupiter brings isn’t always pleasant or morally good. Sometimes you just get more of a particular thing, whether you like it or not!

The associations of Taurus include food, money, and physical pleasure. Yoga and other pursuits that make our bodies feel good are favored. Taurus energy typically wants stability and comfort. With the help of Jupiter, we might get it!

How will Jupiter in Taurus affect me personally?

The best way to know how Jupiter in Taurus will affect you personally is to get a transit reading. However, if you want to get a quick estimate, try to remember what you were doing in 2011 and 2012.

Jupiter last transited Taurus from June 4, 2011, to June 11, 2012. Every time Jupiter is in Taurus, it moves through the same house of your birth chart, so you may find that similar types of events happen to you each time.

For example, if Taurus is the 4th House of Home and Family in your birth chart, you may have moved into a bigger house the last time Jupiter was in Taurus 12 years ago. Now, you might need to build an addition to that house or move again because your family has grown larger.

That said, every transit of Jupiter through Taurus is a little different because the rest of the planets and other celestial bodies are not in the same places each time.

This time around, Jupiter forms a conjunction with the North Node at 3°37’ Taurus on June 1, 2023, at 8:43 pm EDT. That will be the first distinctive part of the current Jupiter in Taurus transit, although Jupiter will also meet Uranus in Taurus later on.

Jupiter Conjunct North Node: A Date With Destiny

The North Node is a point associated with destiny. It cycles through all 12 Zodiac signs every 18.6 years. Its position can be calculated in two slightly different ways, the True Node and the Mean Node; the dates provided in this article are for the True Node. The sign where the North Node is located at any given time typically reflects issues that society needs to resolve in order to move forward.

When the North Node is in Taurus, the world may be learning lessons that have to do with ensuring the stability of basic resources like food or money. For example, the North Node was in Taurus during the 1929 stock market crash.

Taurus lessons can also involve learning to find pleasure in your physical body. The North Node was in Taurus for the first part of 1967 — including the beginning of the Summer of Love. After the North Node moved into Aries that August, the giant party full of music and other sensual delights broke up.

Jupiter and the North Node meet each other roughly every seven to eight years. Their most recent conjunction before this one was on June 20, 2016, and their next conjunction after this one will take place on November 25, 2030. When the powerful energies of Jupiter and the North Node work together, we may feel that we have the support necessary to take a big step forward on our path in life.

However, Jupiter and the North Node do not always meet in the same sign. They last met in Taurus on May 6, 1929. After this time, they next unite in Taurus on July 15, 2059. Point being, this is a very rare opportunity to move toward your destiny in the parts of your chart that are associated with Taurus energy.

To get your focus sharp enough to see the best opportunities when Jupiter meets the North Node in Taurus, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!

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