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How To Balance The Third Eye Chakra

chakras Jul 06, 2022

The third eye chakra is known as the Ajna in Sanskrit, translating as “to perceive”. It is the sixth of the seven main chakras and is located between the eyebrows.    

Represented by the color indigo or violet, the third eye chakra governs the zodiac signs of Leo and Cancer, and is linked to the light element. This chakra is associated with the qualities of awareness, wisdom, and spiritual communication.

The third eye chakra has feminine energy. The third eye goes much beyond what we see with our two eyes – it reveals insights and inner realms. It is the seat of our psychic abilities, intuition, and instincts.

Signs the Third Eye Chakra is Out of Balance

When the third eye chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it may manifest in a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Some of the signs are:

  • Brain disorders, headaches
  • Eye problems
  • Mood disorders
  • Losing connection with our wisdom
  • Feeling purposeless and lost
  • Becoming too judgmental or introspective
  • Depression


How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra

There are several ways to bring the third eye chakra back to balance. Some of the ways are:

Breathing Exercise: Anuloma Viloma or Alternate Nostril Breathing is an effective technique to balance the mind and bring its two hemispheres into alignment.

Sound: Every chakra is associated with a unique sound or syllable. The seed sound for the third eye chakra is “Aum”. Chanting this sound while focusing on the point between the eyes helps bring the chakra back to balance.

Candle Gazing Meditation: In this meditation, we gaze lightly at the flame of a burning candle. It is a powerful technique to develop focus and clarity. You can substitute the candle for another object; say the moon, a flower, or a dot on the wall.

Affirmations: These affirmations work specifically on the third eye chakra and help with trusting our intuition and developing faith.  

  • I trust my intuition.
  • I connect with the wisdom of the universe.
  • It is safe for me to see the truth.


How balancing the third eye chakra can improve your life

As the third eye chakra starts coming into balance, there comes more alertness, awareness, and mindfulness. Our limited understanding can begin to open up and we can begin to see things from a higher perspective. We become more self-reflective.

We develop the ability to see things for what they are. Our memory improves as we gain clarity in thought and purpose.


Yoga poses to help balance the third eye chakra

Yoga helps release any physical, mental, and emotional blockages in the third eye chakra. Here are some yoga poses that you can incorporate into your routine:

1 - Balasana or Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is restorative, relaxing, and grounding while also gently stretching the lower back, hips, and thighs. This pose has a host of benefits – it calms the mind and relieves stress, helps improve posture, and reduces pain.

This pose stimulates the third eye and calms the body, mind, and spirit. It is a wonderful pose to practice in between asanas and before bedtime.

2 - Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward facing Dog)

This is one of the foundational poses of yoga. It lengthens the whole of the spine and strengthens the muscles of the chest. It increases blood circulation to the brain and helps calm the mind.

Downward facing dog is part of the sequence of poses in sun salutations, a complete yoga practice in itself. It stimulates the third eye chakra and helps relieve headaches, insomnia, and fatigue.

At Discover Yoga, our Astro yoga classes help you to align your yoga practice with astrology so you can move through life’s challenges with grace and ease. Align your practice today.



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