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How To Balance The Crown Chakra

chakras Jul 27, 2022

The crown chakra is known as the Sahasrara in Sanskrit, translating as ‘thousand petaled’. It is the seventh or highest of the seven main chakras and is located at the top of the head. It can be visualized as a crown on the head, radiating upward.

Represented by the color white or deep purple, the crown chakra is linked to the thought element. This chakra is associated with spiritual enlightenment and the universal flow of energy, and pure bliss.

The life lesson of the crown chakra is to take us to the highest level of contentment, develop complete knowledge of the self, and connect with divine love and wisdom.  

Signs the Crown Chakra is Out of Balance

When the crown chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it may manifest in a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Some of the signs are:

  • Imbalance and poor coordination
  • Fatigue, mental health issues, and headaches
  • Confusion
  • Cynicism
  • Lacking faith in the universe and a higher power
  • Feeling disconnected, isolated, or separated
  • Spiritual addiction


How to Balance the Crown Chakra

There are several ways to bring the crown chakra back to balance. Some of the ways are:

Connect with nature: One of the best ways to restore a connection with all living beings as well as the self is by engaging and spending time in nature. You can take a walk outside, go for a swim in a natural body of water, or try something like rock climbing.

Sound: Every chakra is associated with a unique sound or syllable. The seed sound for the crown chakra is “aum”. Chanting this sound helps bring the crown chakra back to balance.

Meditation: While you sit in meditation and connect with your breath, visualize a deep purple color, perhaps like a halo just above your head. Draw the halo in and see it filling your entire body and energy field.

Affirmations: These affirmations work specifically on the crown chakra and help with restoring spiritual balance.  

  • I am one with the universe.
  • I have faith in myself. I have faith in the universe.
  • I trust my intuition.


How balancing the Crown chakra can improve your life

When the crown chakra comes into balance, it brings more positivity and optimism to life. It creates a visible shift in our attitude toward how we view the world. We let go of lower emotions and transcend the ego to feel gratitude, compassion, and acceptance.

A balanced crown chakra brings spiritual understanding, clarity, and peace. We are able to let go of thoughts that create stress and unhappiness in our lives.

Yoga poses to help balance the Crown chakra

Yoga helps release any physical, mental, and emotional blockages in the crown chakra. Here are some yoga poses that you can incorporate into your routine:

1- Padmasana or Lotus Pose

Lotus pose, though not beginner friendly, can help restore flexibility and range of movement in the knees, hips, and lower back. It is to be avoided if there are any injuries in the knees or hip joints.

Half-lotus is a variation of the lotus pose that can be practiced by beginners. Hatha yoga texts describe this pose as the destroyer of all diseases, including spiritual. It is a meditative pose that invites healing energy. 

2- Savasana or Corpse Pose

Corpse pose, as its name suggests, is an active relaxation of the body and mind through lying down like a corpse.

It is the most effective pose to cultivate detachment. It teaches us to let go of efforts, desires, and judgment. It helps in the repair of tissues and releasing stress.

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