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Head Versus Heart: Get Ready for the Full Moon in Aquarius!

aquarius full moon Jul 02, 2023

Passions are likely to run high at the Full Moon in Aquarius. Logic could seem to be in conflict with emotion — and perhaps neither is willing to budge!

A Full Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are in opposite Zodiac signs, so the Full Moon in Aquarius always takes place during Leo season. (Similarly, the Full Moon in Leo always takes place during Aquarius season.) Leo and Aquarius are both stubborn fixed signs, so any conflict could become heated!

Aquarius’s historic ruler is ruled by Saturn but it’s modern ruler is Uranus, the planet of innovation and technology.

Uranus is drawn to anything new and exciting. Leo, on the other hand, can be more traditional than people realize. Leo is concerned with getting approval and being liked, and often the least risky way to achieve those goals is to follow paths that are known to be accepted.

An Aquarius Full Moon could therefore involve a clash between old and new ways of doing things. The future isn’t always right, and neither is the past — there needs to be a balance between the two.

Any Full Moon is a great time to release physical or emotional baggage that’s no longer needed. If nothing comes to mind for you, look through this list of characteristics of the Aquarius Full Moon to get some ideas.

Here are the dates of the Full Moon in Aquarius till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -  August 19, 2024  

Year 2025 -  August 09, 2025   

Year 2026 -  August 28, 2026  

Year 2027 -  August 17, 2027  

Year 2028 -  August 05, 2028  


Get ready to enjoy:

Creative brainstorms. Leo is an artistic and playful sign, while Aquarius energy is associated with sudden bursts of inspiration. If you’ve been stuck on a creative project lately, the Full Moon in Aquarius could help you break through the impasse.

Fun with friends. Air sign Aquarius is known for building strong social connections. Aquarius friendships aren’t necessarily based on who’s nearby physically — if you share an intellectual or artistic interest, you can find your people all over the world! The Aquarius Full Moon is an excellent opportunity to meet new friends or nourish your existing friendships.

Making the world a better place. Aquarius is concerned with social change and doing what’s right for the collective. The sharp Aquarian intellect can often see clearly what needs to be done differently. When the passionate heart of Leo gets involved, these efforts are more likely to be successful!

Watch out for:

Technological issues. The sign of Aquarius is associated with electronics and technology, so equipment could malfunction under the stress of the Full Moon in Aquarius. Especially if you live in a part of the world where it’s hot during Leo season, try to keep your electronics cool and ventilated.

Conflict about change. Aquarius energy tends to like progress for the sake of progress. While sometimes this is needed to shake us out of complacency, it can go too far. On the Leo end of the equation, egos might be too easily wounded — a request to do things differently going forward could be misinterpreted as disrespect for the way things have been done so far. Both sides probably need to give a little!

High drama. Leo season is dramatic to begin with. When the stubborn Aquarian mindset stands its ground at the Full Moon in Aquarius, there could be fireworks! Keeping up with your yoga and meditation can help you stay calm and resist the pull to engage in unnecessary drama.


Try to release: 

Limiting beliefs and attachments. Leo season is a great time to be aware of the lengths you go to in search of status and recognition. If you’ve been doing something that doesn’t really suit you because you think that’s necessary for you to maintain a good reputation, consider dropping it at the Full Moon in Aquarius.



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology. If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.



This full moon in Aquarius brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends. Today you can achieve all the milestones you set as you understand the power that cosmic energy bestows upon you. Your dietary intake should be filled with healthy veggies and proper water intake to ensure an overall fit body with good energy levels that will keep you going without a break. Your relationship may become a little sour as a result of an argument you may have with your partner or friends. Before things go out of control, try to be honest with your partner and find a solution. 


This full moon in Aquarius brightens your 10th house of career, success, authority, public image, and appreciation. Work-related challenges can be for some people, but you can hope for some amicable solution after some time. Work may keep you over occupied as you spend time improving your networking and communication. Financial conditions will be favorable in addition to the potential for additional revenue from new projects. Your public image will be strong as many people seek your advice.  It’s a good period for making long-term investments. 


This full moon in Aquarius illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. Get ready for a joyous day full of happiness, blissful moments, and reflective memories. Reconnect with old acquaintances and take pleasure in the improvement of your interpersonal bonds. If you are looking for your soul mate, prepare for pleasant surprises. Expect favorable financial developments that will bring you wealth and abundance. Travel seems likely for some. 



This full moon in Aquarius illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, research, transformation, and mysteries. The people around you might try your patience today, but it is important to avoid getting into heated arguments. Keep an eye out for potential opportunities and act quickly when you see them. Consult a medical expert if you have any health issues. The divine powers will bless you today with good luck. "The purpose of art is to reveal the hidden." Tap into your creative side, and let your distinct vision lead you to success. 



The Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates your 7th house of partnership, work relationship, and marriage. Look at your creative side to relax today. A powerful tool for innovation and change is your artistic expression, never forget that. We produce our own artwork. Leos, take good care of your physical body with self-care and healthy habits. Love is a never-ending act of forgiving. Giving up the right to hurt you because you hurt me is what forgiveness is. In your interactions with your partner, embrace forgiveness and compassion.



The full moon in Aquarius illuminates your 6th house of competition, planning, finance, health, and wellness. The day will be full of surprises for you. Stay cautious with paperwork to avoid potential deceit. Take care of your health and follow prescribed medication if advised by the medical professional. Expect a successful outcome in your legal proceedings, freeing you from any ongoing lawsuits. To unwind from your hectic schedule, organize a fun outing with loved ones. Be prepared for a pleasant surprise from your colleagues.



The full moon in Aquarius illuminates your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance. Academic success is likely for students if they work hard and have consistency in their efforts. Your creativity sees a new height and you work on new projects. Couples might have some miscommunications. Keep a check on your tone and avoid using offensive words. There is a possibility of financial gains, provided you invest after doing all proper due diligence.  



This full moon in Aquarius brightens your 4th house of family peace, home comforts, and education. You will participate in important decisions regarding family issues. There should be a focus on skill improvement.  Cooperation and partnership will increase. There will be general good fortune. Humility and adaptability will be maintained. There will be a greater emphasis on plan execution.  You will get a favorable outcome if you are proactive in your approach. You need to move forward with faith and confidence.



This full moon in Aquarius illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. The heavenly alignments bring you a fortunate day and great opportunities. This is also your opportunity to take important steps in your personal life. Utilize all opportunities that come your way to create harmony around you. Your personal life is finally beginning to come together after a very long time. Your friends are likely to bring you some good news. Things will get better financially. 



This full moon in Aquarius casts light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. It offers the chance to work in a higher position and added responsibilities. You could work on projects that improve the lives of others. Love is poised to enter your life and flourish. Soon, financial gains are surely coming your way. By incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily schedule, you can improve your well-being and encourage a healthier way of life. ‘


This full moon in Aquarius brightens your 1st house of self-identity, willpower, and confidence. You will find yourself in awe of the surroundings with a lot of natural beauty. Take care when handling the paperwork today. There may be some health problems you need to deal with. Couples are likely to become more supportive of one another, and this will only deepen their love. Your confidence level reached a new high as things will get better financially.


This full moon in Aquarius brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness, losses, intuition, and health. Today, put your attention on developing yourself, honing your skills, and getting advice from people with good experience. Despite uncertain finances, a relative or a friend will provide assistance. Take good care of yourself, and take your medications as directed. Your good deeds will be rewarded with satisfying benefits. Today, you may need to make some difficult choices for both your personal and professional lives. 

Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced during Aquarius Full Moon. 

  1. Wear Moonstone in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly recommended for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius natives. It is not recommended for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius natives. 
  2. Keep a White Opal Crystal to enhance self-esteem and confidence.  
  3. Recite Mantra “RAM” for self-development.  

The Full Moon in Aquarius could get a bit dramatic, so keeping up with your yoga practice may be necessary to help you stay calm. To receive guidance on the best yoga routines for you during Leo season, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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