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Full Speed Ahead: The North Node in Aries Promises a Wild Ride!

astrology Aug 27, 2023

Transiting North Node is a powerful indicator of the life direction humanity is being asked to grow in.  Presently, the North Node is in Aries, calling us to focus on the Aries lessons of self-assertion and independence.

The North Node is paired with the South Node, which is always in the opposite Zodiac sign. Sometimes the North Node is referred to as Rahu and the South Node as Ketu. Another set of names is Dragon’s Head for the North Node and Dragon’s Tail for the South Node. The head represents what people are supposed to be moving toward, and the tail represents what people are supposed to be letting go of.

Whenever the North Node is in Aries, the South Node is in Libra. While Aries is focused on developing one’s individuality, Libra is focused on relationships. Relationships are a necessary part of life, of course, but the South Node’s transit through Libra can point out situations where our connections to other people are holding us back.

Who will be the most affected by the North Node in Aries?

The cycle of the North Node is 18.6 years long, so most people experience more than one transit of the North Node in Aries during their lives. The transit of the North Node in Aries could be especially powerful for you if you were born during a previous period when the North Node was in Aries. You’ll be having a nodal return, which is an opportunity to shed baggage and clarify your life purpose.

The following dates for North Node in Aries periods were generated from a Solar Fire report run for the True Node in the Eastern time zone. If you were born during one of these periods, the lessons of the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra will challenge you throughout your life.

July 7, 1930 - December 28, 1931

January 25, 1949 - July 26, 1950

August 19, 1967 - April 19, 1969

April 6, 1986 - December 2, 1987

December 26, 2004 - June 22, 2006

July 17, 2023 - January 11, 2025

You might also be particularly affected by the transiting North Node in Aries if you were born with the North Node in Libra. When the transiting nodes are the reverse of your natal nodes, that’s called a nodal opposition. Your commitment to your life path may be tested, or you could find yourself viewing a familiar circumstance from a different perspective.

Finally, if your birth chart has planets or other significant points in Aries or Libra, you might also feel it when the transiting nodes go over them. Look up your birth chart or schedule an astrology reading for further guidance.

When is the North Node in Aries most powerful?

The North Node will stay in Aries for about a year and a half. During that time, the North Node in Aries is likely to be most powerfully felt when it is involved in a Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse happens when there is a New Moon close to one of the Moon’s Nodes, and a Lunar Eclipse happens when there is a Full Moon aligned with both of the Moon’s Nodes. Both typically take place to some extent roughly every six months, although not every eclipse is a total eclipse.

When the Moon’s Nodes are in Aries and Libra, a New Moon in Aries or Libra can become a Solar Eclipse in Aries, and a Full Moon in Aries or Libra can become a Lunar Eclipse in Aries or Libra. Eclipses are often more emotionally intense than a regular New Moon or Full Moon. At eclipses, surprises can be revealed — but we also might have information hidden from us.

A Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse is a New Moon or Full Moon close to one of the Moon’s Nodes, so sometimes the New Moon or Full Moon is not in the same sign as the node in question.

Embracing Duality

North node direction is NOT what comes most naturally to you. North Node direction represents what we should be striving to be. 

What’s interesting about the north node and south node duality is that it’s natural in nature. You should not be stressed about the relationship struggles you may experience. Instead you should be hopeful to do the necessary work needed to improve your relationships. 

When thinking about the nodes, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the North Node is the only one that matters or the only one that has anything good to offer. 

It’s true that the North Node challenges you to develop the positive qualities of its sign, while the South Node tends to hold you back with the negative qualities of its sign. However, finding a way to appreciate the positive side of the South Node might make the South Node less destructive.

This is the nature of duality that is present in all things in nature! Good/Evil, Day/Night , Summer/Winter , Yin/Yang , Jesus/Satan (both represent parts of God himself.) 

Embracing the fact that we have areas of improvement offer opportunities of growth and we should look forward to that! 

How can yoga help?

Just like a Full Moon in Aries or Full Moon in Libra, yoga flows for the North Node in Aries might help you stay aligned with the energy. Check out which yoga poses support both Aries and Libra energy.

For more information on the best yoga routines for the North Node in Aries, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience! 


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