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Make the most of the Full Moon in Scorpio

full moon scorpio Apr 25, 2023

Scorpio is a difficult sign for the Moon to be in. While Scorpio energy is about excreting what’s no longer needed, the energy of the Moon tends to hold things in. This is especially true of painful emotions, as Scorpio gets involved with tough emotional territory.

At a Full Moon in Scorpio, you might find yourself emotionally upset about incidents that happened many years ago. Even if you thought you had let go of something that hurt you, you may realize additional ways that it still affects you.

Sometimes people think pursuing spirituality means they will eventually become too enlightened to get angry or upset. However, Scorpio energy is part of the Zodiac, so you can’t get rid of it no matter how much you meditate.

In traditional astrology, Scorpio is ruled by the warrior planet Mars. After Pluto, the planet of the underworld, was discovered, it became the modern ruler of Scorpio. These aren’t happy, easy energies, but sometimes we need them to protect ourselves. 

Getting hurt, angry, and depressed from time to time is part of life. Admitting to yourself that you have these feelings doesn’t mean you will automatically go and punch someone in the face. 

Although yoga can give you the mental clarity to decide what’s the least destructive way to handle your anger, it can’t take away the basic human experience of having the whole range of emotions. 

When we talk about the Full Moon we should know that any Full Moon takes place when the Moon and the Sun are in opposite Zodiac signs.  

Here are the dates of the Full Moon in Scorpio till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 -  May 23, 2024

Year 2025 -  May 12, 2025

Year 2026 -  May 01, 2026

Year 2027 -  May 20, 2027

Year 2028 -  May 09, 2028

Get Ready To Enjoy:

Relationship Breakthroughs. Scorpio's full moon signifies transformation and rebirth, both individually and within relationships. Breakthroughs occur as couples embrace change, let go of what no longer serves them, and embrace new possibilities for growth and evolution together.

Soulful Connections. Scorpio's energy may likely encourage you to form deeper bonds and it may also surface honesty and vulnerability, fostering new authentic connections and profound intimacy.

Self-discovery. The full moon in Scorpio may likely inspire self-discovery and empowerment in your life, as you confront your shadows, embrace your strengths, and step into your full potential.

Watch out for:

Relationship Issues. The full moon in Scorpio can indeed bring about intensity and emotional depth, which may further illuminate your hidden feelings and truths in relationships.

Inner Conflict. This particular Full Moon alignment may create a complex inner conflict with a people-pleasing tendency because Scorpio energy is deep, passionate, and often a mix of power dynamics and authenticity.


Prepare To Release: 

Possessiveness and Control: Scorpio's intense nature can sometimes manifest as a need for control or possessiveness. Reflect on areas where you may be holding on too tightly and practice surrendering to the flow of life.

Material Attachments: Scorpio's energy can also pertain to material possessions and financial matters. Consider letting go of unnecessary material attachments or re-evaluating your relationship with money and possessions.


People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.



This full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries.  With cosmic energy working in your favor in this period, you could receive some good news related to your profession, a wedding invitation, or some financial gain. Unnecessary expenses must be reduced. The stage of self-discovery you are in may be guiding you toward life's realities.  It is a period to finish long-overdue work that you ignored till now. Health seems to be normal. Certainly a good period to try yoga and meditation for spiritual and physical gains.



The Full Moon illuminates your 7th house of partnership, work relationship, and marriage. You will have much more energy and drive to get things done. You mustn't try to impose your opinion on others. To ensure that your plans are carried out, it is advised that you exercise patience and refrain from being aggressive. Unwind, let go of things beyond your control, and let life take its course. Now is the time to recover any stuck money.  A distant journey will prove to be pleasant and beneficial.



The full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 6th house of competition, planning, finance, health, and wellness. In order to improve your skills and chances in any competitive exams, you should consider enrolling in some advanced courses.  If there is a dispute regarding your property, it will be resolved with the assistance of someone competent. The desire to embark on a religious journey can be realized during this period. Marriage and relationship front will continue to be happy. New income streams will emerge, and accumulated wealth will grow. You may experience some stomach issues, so watch what you eat and drink. Doing Yoga will help to stay in good shape.



The full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 5th house of creativity and romance. With the help of Full Moon energy, you will benefit in your business and your new plans will gain momentum.  Your status and position may increase if you focus on your creative endeavors. There will be a harmonious relationship with family members. Do not take any decision in a hurry. Some exercise and even Yoga will give you a lot of energy and keep you in the right spirit. This seems to be a great period to finish off your recurring work to enjoy the freedom of mind.



This full moon in Scorpio brightens your 4th house of family peace, home comforts, and education. Some of you may be preoccupied with your child's future. You might have to travel for your children's education. Avoid taking risks in business or new investments because it can lead to losses. If there is a disagreement in your family, try to resolve it with love and a calm mind. If you have to make an important decision, think it through very carefully because a hasty choice can lead to problems in the future.



This full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. Some auspicious events may happen in the family. Helping others will bring you happiness. Avoid eating and drinking junk food, and exercise regularly for good health. Great business opportunities may present themselves, and taking some risks will pay off. Plans for international travel may be nearing completion, so pack your bags and fly away!



This full moon in Scorpio casts light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. The period brings about significant success for students competing in academic competitions. Your partner will support you adequately at work. Instead of beating yourself up over things you cannot change, take a moment to notice the love that is already present around you. Your request for assistance and support from your seniors is likely to be fulfilled in the near future.



This full moon in Scorpio brightens your 1st house of self-identity. You have been through a lot recently, Scorpio, so just give yourself permission to feel everything. Take care of your body, mind, and soul, and make wellness your priority. There will be numerous opportunities for Scorpios to make money, so you should try to focus on finishing tasks that will allow you to profit fully. Avoid unnecessary arguments with teammates to avoid conflicts.



This full moon in Scorpio brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness, losses, intuition, and health.  The divine powers will aid you and will make your wishes come true. You may give your partner some gifts as your means of enjoying the world expands, but you will need to keep a tight rein on your income and spending. There will be many chances for you to rely on and profit from. Additionally, you will have the ability to significantly improve both your personal and professional lives. Your family will be very supportive.



This full moon in Scorpio brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  As cosmic energy works in your favor, you will have plenty of opportunities to rely on and take advantage of. Moreover, you will be able to make significant positive changes in both your personal and professional lives. Your family and friends will be very supportive of your decisions, and there will be overall harmony at your place. You must take care of your health and keep track of your fitness levels. Joining yoga and meditation will be helpful.



This full moon in Scorpio brightens your 10th house of career,public image, and appreciation. This is the ideal time to consider your career and determine whether you are truly content in your current position. If you are dissatisfied with your current job, it may be time to consider changing careers. With Full Moon energy working in your favor,  you can expect an improvement in your financial situation, as well as the possibility of increasing your savings.



This full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. The relationships of Pisceans will be happy. Due to progress in business, there will be contentment in the mind.  To achieve success, it is important to focus on your strengths and work accordingly. Consider taking a break from your routine and planning a trip to a nearby place with your parents, which will be a great delight to them. This will allow you to bond with them and create memories.


Heal With Shadow Work 

If you’ve been meaning to intentionally dig further into your emotional life, the Full Moon in Scorpio is a great time to pursue shadow work. You may be able to have a fruitful session of journaling and introspection on your own, although meeting with a therapist or other adviser could give you guidance on the process as needed.

Physically, Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, pelvis, and excretory organs. Frog Pose is great for opening this area up, as is Pigeon Pose.

Emotions can be stored in the hips. At any time of year, you might be surprised by what comes up emotionally when you do yoga stretches that emphasize this area. This effect could definitely be intensified at the Full Moon in Scorpio. Don’t be afraid to let your feelings flow!

Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced during Scorpio Full Moon. 

  1. Wear Red Coral in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly recommended for Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn natives. Not recommended for Cancer,  Virgo, Libra natives. 
  2. Keep a Rhodonite Crystal to cure your unbalanced chakras and self-development.  
  3. Recite Mantra “OM” or “AUM” for Spiritual awakening. 


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