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Feelings Flowing Fully: Following the Call of the New Moon in Scorpio

new moon scorpio Oct 08, 2023

The mysterious vibes of Scorpio season can reach a heightened level at the New Moon in Scorpio. When the Sun and the Moon unite in this intense sign, awareness of our passionate feelings may be difficult to avoid. However, perhaps we’ll achieve clarity on what we’d like to do about them.

Most years have one New Moon in Scorpio, although sometimes there are two. This year, the New Moon in Scorpio takes place at 4:27 am EDT on November 13, 2023.

Scorpio’s traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of aggression and conflict. When not channeled thoughtfully, Scorpio energy has the potential to be violent and vindictive. However, Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation. Scorpio is not an intrinsically bad sign — it just needs a healthy outlet for its powerful longings.

Like most New Moons, the New Moon in Scorpio is an ideal time to set an intention. The following characteristics of the New Moon in Scorpio might give you some ideas for what you’d like to manifest.

Watch out for:

  • Old emotional wounds resurfacing. Introspective Scorpio energy is great at picking up on what’s not right in your life. This might involve noticing how things that went wrong in the past are still affecting you. You’re not required to forgive anyone before you’re ready to do it on your own terms. However, acknowledging your own contribution to a bad situation and seeing how you can do things differently going forward may be empowering in some cases.
  • Intense emotional displays. At a New Moon in watery Scorpio, it may be hard to stop your feelings from flowing in a dramatic way. Even though you might be uncomfortable with this, you’ll probably feel better after you express whatever is weighing on you.

Get ready to enjoy:

  • Physical passion. Scorpio rules the sexual organs and is associated with intimacy. Whether or not you have a partner, a New Moon in Scorpio could be an ideal time to figure out what makes you feel good. Engaging your body in some way, even through nonsexual activities like dance or active yoga, can help you burn off excess energy that might otherwise be used to stir up trouble.
  • Emotional bonding. A New Moon in Scorpio is a great opportunity to have a deep conversation with someone you trust. You might cover heavier territory than usual but wind up strengthening your relationship.
  • Emotional healing. A New Moon in Scorpio would be an excellent day to talk to a therapist or counselor. With your emotions close to the surface, you may be able to get to the heart of your problem more easily.

Set an intention to manifest: 

  • Self-knowledge. Although Scorpio is the sign associated with the most intimate kinds of connections with others, you can’t necessarily control whether you’ll be able to convince anyone else to bond with you in that way. However, turning that intense Scorpio focus inward can help you get clear on what you’re bringing to the equation. This, in turn, may help you look for companions who are on the same wavelength.
  • Conquering fear. Some of the worst potential problems associated with Scorpio energy come from fear. Typically, the scary Scorpios are the scared Scorpios! Setting an intention to finally deal with something that scares you can be tough but rewarding. Doing it in a way that you have a realistic amount of control over might help. 


Try these yoga poses:


For additional guidance on yoga flows for the New Moon in Scorpio, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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