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Embrace Cosmic Balance at the Fall Equinox

astrology Aug 27, 2023

The short nights and long days of summer officially end at the Fall Equinox. At that point, the day and night are of equal length. From then on, the length of daylight each day shrinks until the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.

The Fall Equinox is one of two times each year that this perfect balance takes place. The other is the Spring Equinox, six months away from the Fall Equinox.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun always enters Libra at the Fall Equinox in September. This year, the Sun moves into Libra on September 23, 2023, at 2:50 am EDT. The symbolism of Libra season has to do with balance, which makes a lot of sense for being associated with the Fall Equinox.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are reversed — they get the Fall Equinox in March, when the Sun enters Aries, and the Spring Equinox in September, when the Sun enters Libra.

The signs and the seasons

Thinking about the seasons being reversed on the two halves of the globe is actually an excellent mental exercise for the Fall Equinox. Your perspective is not the only perspective possible — and you can learn a lot from whoever you consider your opposite.

At either equinox, both hemispheres have day and night of equal length. The Fall Equinox is therefore an ideal time to bridge gaps that usually seem too far to cross.

Aries represents the Self, and Libra represents the Other. Whatever end of this polarity you’re on at the moment, the Fall Equinox is a great chance to explore it. You might also consider trying shadow work, because it’s possible you could be contributing to conflict by projecting your own difficult qualities onto someone else.

Autumn, a time of shortening days, is a contemplative season. In agricultural life, it’s typically the harvest season. Whether or not you have actual crops to collect, it’s an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far. If you don’t like what you see, you have a chance to strategize how you’ll do better the next time around. 

How can yoga help?

Fortunately, yoga is a powerful tool for uniting opposites. Though some people think of spirituality and the material world as separate, yoga integrates body and spirit. On a simpler level, it also balances the two sides of your body.

When you make an effort to find peace within yourself, you’re better equipped to heal conflict in the larger world. Here are a few options for yoga poses that answer the Fall Equinox’s call to pursue balance and calm:

  • Alternate nostril breathing emphasizes both sides of your body in a clear, obvious way. If you find it easier to breathe through one side of your nose than the other, that might give you something to explore further. Ultimately, you need both sides working well to balance the left and right sides of your brain. This technique is also great for releasing toxins and helping you think more clearly.
  • Goddess Squat is another yoga pose recommended for Libra season. It keeps the two sides of your body symmetrical. Better yet, it opens the heart — and love can be key to finding harmony between opposing forces. 
  • The Seated Spinal Twist is a pose you’ll have to repeat on each side. However, any spinal twist encourages energy to flow more freely throughout your body. When you’re more limber, you’re flexible enough to see other perspectives. 

For additional information on yoga flows for the Fall Equinox, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience



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