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Connecting With Power: The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra

new moon Sep 21, 2023

A New Moon in Libra is a time to renew your commitment to connecting with others and finding beauty in the world. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet associated with beauty and relationships, so these themes are likely to be prominent at the New Moon in Libra.

Each Libra season, there’s usually one New Moon in Libra, though sometimes there are two. This time around, the New Moon in Libra will take place at 1:55 pm EDT on October 14, 2023 — and it’s also a Solar Eclipse! The Solar Eclipse will be visible in parts of the western United States; visibility of the eclipse begins a bit earlier that day, time depending on your city.

Read on for tips on working with the New Moon in Libra, as well as specific guidance regarding the Solar Eclipse.


Watch out for:

  • Keeping the peace at all costs. Libra is a sign that values harmony and calm. Completing a major negotiation is possible at the New Moon in Libra, but try to avoid agreeing to something you feel resentful about just to pacify the other person.
  • Losing yourself. Libra is known for an interest in relationships. At a New Moon in Libra, you might become so focused on your bond with someone else that you forget about your own legitimate needs. Remember that a relationship is a connection between Self and Other!


Get ready to enjoy:

  • Adding beauty to your surroundings. Libra, ruled by Venus, is focused on making things attractive and beautiful. Like anything else, this desire can be taken too far, but it’s not as shallow as people sometimes think. When your environment or your body looks good, you’ll usually feel good!
  • Building a relationship. The New Moon in Libra is a great time to start a new relationship or deepen your commitment to an existing bond. Showing appreciation for the ways the other person supports you can help.  


Try these yoga poses:

What makes this New Moon in Libra a Solar Eclipse?

An eclipse season is a time when the Moon’s Nodes align with the Sun and the Earth. During this season, the New Moons that take place are Solar Eclipses, and the Full Moons that take place are Lunar Eclipses.

Currently, the North Node is in Aries, and the South Node is in the opposite sign, Libra. The New Moon at 21° Libra on October 14, 2023, will take place close to the South Node, making it a Solar Eclipse.

Compared with a regular New Moon, a Solar Eclipse is likely to have more emotional intensity. During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, obscuring the view of the Sun. Symbolically, this reflects that information may be hidden from you — or revealed — at an eclipse. 

Can you set intentions at a Solar Eclipse? 

Many people set intentions at the New Moon. Although a Solar Eclipse is a type of New Moon, you might approach it a bit differently from typical New Moons in terms of setting intentions.

Some who use astrology to time rituals or magical workings avoid doing these things at eclipses due to the unpredictable and unsettled nature of eclipse energy. A ritual or magical working is basically a more intense and formalized way of setting an intention, so it makes sense to use caution regarding setting intentions at a Solar Eclipse.

If you must set an intention at a Solar Eclipse, remember that eclipses can make it so you don’t see everything you need to know about the situation you’re trying to address. With that in mind, try to make your intention open-ended rather than specific. For example, instead of saying, “I intend to move into a four-bedroom house with a white picket fence in my favorite neighborhood,” say, “I intend to find a residence that serves the highest good of everyone involved.”  

For more guidance on yoga flows for the Solar Eclipse in Libra, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!

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