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Chatter Becomes Crucial at the Full Moon in Gemini

full moon gemini Oct 28, 2023

The Full Moon in Gemini is a point of contrast during Sagittarius season. Although Sagittarius is interested in looking at the big picture, its opposite sign, Gemini, focuses on small details. If we’re feeling emotionally upset at the Full Moon in Gemini, we might need to pay attention to something we’ve overlooked.

Most years have one Full Moon in Gemini, although sometimes there are two. This year, the Full Moon in Gemini takes place at 4:16 am EST on November 27, 2023.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication. As an Air sign, Gemini lives in the world of thoughts. With Mercury influencing the Moon, the Full Moon in Gemini might help us become more articulate about our feelings. On the other hand, we could also be tempted to intellectualize away emotions that actually do need to be felt.  

Meanwhile, fiery Sagittarius is perhaps more inclined than easily distracted Gemini to take action on a grand plan, but sometimes it benefits from Gemini’s detail-oriented perspective to help refine its strategy. Worrying about seemingly insignificant things isn’t always a waste of time — sometimes it catches legitimate problems. This could happen at the Full Moon in Gemini.

Read on to learn what else to expect at the Full Moon in Gemini!

Watch out for:

  • Petty conflict. Gemini sometimes likes to talk for the sake of talking. At the Full Moon in Gemini, make sure this doesn’t escalate into arguing for the sake of arguing. Save your energy for the conflicts that are truly worth working through.
  • Cliquey or small-minded attitudes. Gemini focuses on the people around you, while Sagittarius has an eye on the larger world. At the Full Moon in Gemini, you might need to acknowledge a situation where your intense loyalty to your clique or community has provoked you to treat those outside of it unfairly. Try to find the humanity in someone you see as very different from you.


Get ready to enjoy:

  • Witty humor. Gemini, on its own, can be quick-witted and clever. Combined with the jolly and wide-ranging perspective of Sagittarius, you could come up with something very funny to laugh about!
  • A fun atmosphere for a party. Sagittarius is all about having fun, and the Moon in Gemini can support that by making it easier to get conversations going with other people. Many holiday parties take place during Sagittarius season, so the Full Moon in Gemini might be a great day to host or attend a party. 


Try to release:

  • Unnecessary noise. The Full Moon in Gemini may emphasize the contrast between noise and stillness. Perhaps excess chatter is preventing you from hearing your own thoughts in a way that would actually nourish you. If you regularly listen to a podcast or watch a TV show out of habit, but you don’t actually enjoy it, feel free to stop.
  • Overuse of social media. Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with loved ones who live far away. It can even help you meet new friends who share your interests. However, finding balance between the physical world and the virtual world could be important at the Full Moon in Gemini. Consider getting acquainted with people in your neighborhood — or meeting an online friend in person for the first time.


Consider these yoga poses:

Gemini is associated with the throat chakra, as well as the arms, shoulders, and hands. Gemini yoga poses like Cobra Pose release tension in the shoulders.

Sagittarius is associated with the sacral chakra, as well as the thighs and legs. Sagittarius yoga poses include hip openers like King Pigeon Pose.

For additional guidance on yoga flows for the Full Moon in Gemini, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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