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Calm Within the Storm: Focus on the New Moon in Gemini

gemini new moon May 26, 2023

Finding quiet during Gemini season can be challenging, but a New Moon brings a certain stillness.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, learning and social connection, so this New Moon signals fresh beginnings, enhanced communication, social connections, and intellectual exploration. Making networking and reconnecting with friends particularly fruitful.

It's an ideal time to start new projects, improve self-expression, and engage in meaningful conversations. Expect heightened curiosity and a desire to learn.

With Gemini's symbol being the twins, themes of duality and sibling relationships are emphasized, including close cousins or childhood friends and early school experiences.

Embrace flexibility and adaptability, as Gemini's mutable energy encourages openness to change. Short trips and local exploration can be enjoyable and rewarding.

Most years have one New Moon in Gemini, but some years have two. Here are the dates of the New Moon in Gemini till 2028 as per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology.   

Year 2024 - July 05, 2024

Year 2025 - June 25, 2025

Year 2026 - July 14, 2026

Year 2027 - July 04, 2027

Year 2028 - June 22, 2028


Get ready to enjoy:

Unexpected connections. Gemini is the ultimate networking sign. If you’ve been looking for something major — like a job, a partner, or an apartment — you might find that someone you know is able to offer you a productive lead now.

A good laugh. Gemini energy is notoriously witty, especially when it comes to clever wordplay. The New Moon in Gemini is a great opportunity to engage in fun, lighthearted humor.


Watch out for:

Cattiness and gossip. At the energetic New Moon in Gemini, it might be easier than usual for your thoughts to pop out of you without a filter. Your words are probably more powerful than you realize, so there’s no sense using them to tear people down.

Being two-faced. Wanting to have it both ways is often an understandable desire. However, sometimes you can’t! Saying yes to one person may mean that you have to say no to someone else, and you’re better off accepting that rather than making a doomed effort to please everyone.

Set an intention to manifest:

Speaking your truth. The New Moon in communication-oriented Gemini is a great time to clarify an important message you want to share. Although gathering the courage to speak up may also be a key part of your task, you’re less likely to become rattled if you go in with an organized idea of what you plan to say. Writing down a draft could be helpful.

Keeping in touch with others. If you’ve been meaning to stay in contact with friends and family more regularly, the New Moon in Gemini is an opportunity to start making that a habit. Gemini has an affinity for technology, so setting reminders on your phone’s calendar could help!



People should consider their rising or ascendant sign when checking their horoscope below. Kindly note that the below predictions are made based upon Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology and NOT Western (Tropical) Astrology.  If you do not know your rising sign based on the Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology System, you can use the chart calculator linked here.


This new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 3rd house, which is the house of communication, learning, and friends. Today you will be filled with contagious energy to do something new and different which will put a broad, gleaming smile on your face. Business opportunities will emerge, and your position at work may be elevated. Through contacts, there will be new opportunities for advancement, which will keep you busy all day. There will be opportunities to meet old friends. Your life partner will provide you with unwavering support. Please give your health some time as well. Traveling for business will be advantageous.



This new Moon in Gemini cast light upon your 2nd house, which is the house of finance and materialistic possessions. The divine powers will shower you with blessings that will ensure your success in new initiatives and risks. There will be chances of making a good profit in business and making progress in your job.  To feel relaxed and get a mental break, you should get together with your old friends today. You must consider everyone's opinions before making any decisions in order to prevent conflicts and differences because personal selfishness can dominate your relationships and bring distance. To enjoy robust health enroll yourself in yoga and meditation programs.  



This new Moon in Gemini brightens your 1st house of self-identity. Today, the day will be mixed with both good and bad news. The good news is that you will feel alive today and get all of your work done at the right time, The bad news is that you may not be able to balance your personal life with your professional life. This may lead to bitter bonds and quarrels, in order to avoid these problems, you should spend quality time with your family.



This new Moon in Gemini brightens your 12th house of spirituality, consciousness (Psyche), and expenses.  The day will bring out the best in you. You will be served with challenges throughout the day, which will be a testimony to your wisdom and reflect how strong you actually are. There will be opportunities for profit in business, but for that, hard work will have to be done. You will experience new energy by achieving success in your tasks. Spend wisely else you could end up wasting your hard-earned money.  



This new Moon in Gemini brightens your 11th house, which is the house of gains, social networking, and friends.  Today will be full of ups and downs. Good day to connect with people from the past. Many opportunities for success will come to hand, but due to an increase in workload you may not be able to focus on one single task, and eventually, many opportunities can also slip out of hand. So, you must complete the first task before taking on the second one to ensure high levels of productivity and satisfaction.



This new Moon in Gemini brightens your 10th house of career, public image, and appreciation. Today, the day will be generic, and nothing new will take place. Long pending tasks should be completed to lessen your workload going ahead. There will be a possibility of making new relationships that will be mutually beneficial. You may feel physically and mentally tired due to the workload. There might be excess expenditure. There can be estrangement from someone in the family. Friends' advice will come in handy. 



This new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 9th house of luck, spirituality, and travel. Today, the planetary alignments will take care of all your problems and bless you with a problem-free day. You will get full support from your life partner. Distant travel will be pleasant. Faith in religious work will increase. New investment has to be avoided. Family relationships will be sweet and rewarding. Control your anger and your speech to ensure stability in relationships.  



This new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 8th house, which is the house of health, transformation, and mysteries. A lot of ups and downs are in store for today, which will eventually allow you to learn something new. Business decisions must be made carefully after studying all the pros and cons.  Make smart business decisions to avoid suffering significant losses. There will be positive relationships with friends, and the family will be filled with joy and happiness. There will still be enthusiasm for taking on new challenges, and some good news is imminent.



The new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 7th house of partnership. Today is going to be lucky and fruitful. It will be possible to advance professionally and make good money in business. Additionally, there is a chance for unexpected financial gains. An increase in income will bring mental happiness, and you can plan a distant journey with your beloved. The possibility of connecting with old friends will be there. Avoid making hasty decisions when it comes to making business partnerships. 


The new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 6th house of health, competition and work. The day will be full of opportunities for you and will provide you with many chances to prove your expertise. Before making any decisions, you should take everyone's viewpoints into account in order to avoid disagreements and conflicts because personal selfishness can negatively impact your relationships and create distance. In order to prevent health problems, spend more time working out, eating a healthy diet, and doing yoga and meditation.  



The new Moon in Gemini illuminates your 5th house of education, creativity and romance. The day will be full of introspection, Students will have much luck in their studies. With high efficiency and a keen interest in the study, they are likely to accumulate lots of knowledge and get good scores in examinations. For those who have been grinding in the workplace, it’s possible for them to get promoted. Be modest and positive to learn more useful experiences from colleagues. Your wealth is determined by the connections you make, so keep an open ear and network effectively. Time to sort out all differences in your relationship by keeping an open mind. 



The new Moon in Gemini brightens your 4th house of family peace and comforts. A fortunate and fruitful day lies ahead. Working hard will yield better outcomes. Profitable business transactions will be made. There will be no more business obstacles. There will be fresh investment opportunities. Employed people can have a lot of responsibility in the workplace. reduce wasteful spending. The family's environment will be welcoming. With the spouse, there will be harmony. Take care of health and diet in order to ensure a fit and healthy physique.

Astrological Remedies to Stay Balanced During New Moon in Gemini

  1. Wear an Emerald in a Silver Ring or a bracelet. Highly Recommended for Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius natives. Not recommended for Pisces natives. 
  2. Recite the Mantra “HAM” to improve your confidence and communication in the throat chakra
  3. Keep a Green Onyx crystal in your place of work for financial abundance.  


Take Ownership Of Your Life 

Our lives are shaped by fate (astrological influences) and our free will. While our future is partially influenced by astrology, the truth is that our current decisions, actions, and mental state determine our future. 

When you pay attention to transits, you learn when to engage more with life or let go. Allowing you to maximize your efforts where it’s needed most and save your energy when it’s not necessary. 

When practicing Astro Yoga, you can gain freedom from planetary influences that negatively impact your life and finally start taking life into your own hands.




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