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Bursting With Inspiration: The New Moon in Aquarius

aquarius new moon Jan 28, 2024


The New Moon in Aquarius is an exciting pinnacle of Aquarius season every year. With both the Sun and the Moon in visionary Aquarius, we can embrace this sign’s gifts for building community and dreaming big!

This year, the New Moon in Aquarius takes place at 1:00 am PST at 26° on March 10, 2024. Note that I am using the Vedic Zodiac System.

This new moon represents a fresh start with peers, groups, and organizations. It’s also perfect for tech upgrades and innovation. It’s a good time to question the norm, challenge authority, and tap into your own individuality.

Ask yourself the question: What does freedom look like for me?

The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, the planet of structure and authority. After Uranus was discovered in 1781, Uranus became the modern ruler of Aquarius.

All of the planets through Saturn can be seen with the naked eye, but additional equipment was necessary to see Uranus. As a result, Uranus is associated with technology and innovation.

Aquarius energy can, therefore, be full of contradictions. A common Aquarius dilemma involves having to choose between old and new, and the answer often involves picking some of both on one’s own unique terms. Tension of this sort might be prominent at the New Moon in Aquarius, though it’s likely to be resolved in a rewarding way.

New Moon Impact

New Moons are usually a good time to set intentions and practice manifestation. While this new moon is not making any connections to planets, it will be a super moon, meaning that the moon will be physically closer to Earth and have a more powerful impact on our lives than a normal new moon.

Set an intention to manifest:

  • Root Charka Healing. Traditionally, Aquarius rules our Root Charka (Muladhara). Therefore, we can set intentions to manifest things we need to maintain a sense of security and stability. Those things might be a home, job security, self-worth, or belonging to a community.
  • Your ideal community. If you’ve felt lonely or like you can’t find your people, you may want to make connection a priority at the Aquarius New Moon. Keep in mind that you’re not necessarily the only person searching. In order for your kindred spirits to discover you, you might need to be more open than you prefer about an interest of yours that seems a little controversial.
  • A breakthrough. The New Moon in Aquarius could bring you a surprising solution to a problem you’ve been stuck on for a long time. However, the best answers of this sort often come when you’re not looking for them! Try to trust that you’ll know what you need to know when you need to know it.

Watch out for:

  • Being unrealistic. Aquarius’s energy is great for brainstorming and envisioning how things could be done better. That said, it can wander too far away from the reality of the physical world at times. Any idea that sounds too good to be true probably is.
  • Being insensitive. Aquarius is a very logical sign. However, some things that are logically true are not kind things to say. Before you deliver a harsh truth, think through the potential costs and benefits of your disclosure.

Get ready to enjoy:

  • Meeting new people. Aquarius energy can be very social. It’s a great time to connect with others who share your interests. As Aquarius rules technology, this might involve meeting people online. Especially if your passion is somewhat unique, the individuals who share it may be scattered all over the world!
  • Big ideas. The Aquarius New Moon is an ideal time to dream about how the world could be improved. Start with a basic inspiration and then build up the structure of details around it. Better yet, invite your friends to join you in planning!
  • Technology running smoothly. Aquarius rules technology, so the New Moon in Aquarius may be a time when you experience this part of life at its best. You might discover an app or website that really makes your daily routine easier. If you need to buy new computer equipment, this could be a good time to shop!

Astro Yoga for New Moon in Aquarius:

If you’re feeling a bit anxious during this new moon due to jolts of ideas or inspiration. It may be a good time to practice sitting still and trying an extended meditation to embody more patience and stillness.

You can find grounding meditations and yoga classes for the New Moon in Aquarius for free at Discover Astro Yoga’s YouTube channel!!

For additional guidance on the best yoga routines for the New Moon in Aquarius, connect with Arnelle, at the Astro Yoga Experience!

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