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A Peak of Ambition: The New Moon in Capricorn

capricorn new moon Nov 03, 2023

The New Moon in Capricorn can be an especially intense moment during Capricorn season. When both the Sun and the Moon are in the serious sign of Capricorn, we may be very conscious of our goals and ambitions — and whether or not we’ve lived up to them so far.

Most years have one New Moon in Capricorn, although sometimes there are two. This time around, the New Moon in Capricorn takes place at 6:57 am EST on January 10, 2024.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and authority. This can make Saturn’s influence intimidating. However, Saturn is also associated with the root chakra, and keeping your root chakra happy is a crucial part of being grounded. Capricorn energy, though sometimes stern, isn’t out to punish people for no reason — the goal is simply to help you build a foundation strong enough to support whatever you’re going to do next!

The Capricorn New Moon is therefore a significant opportunity to look critically at the the structure of your life and see what needs shoring up. Even if you notice some problems that you aren’t proud to admit, you at least have an opportunity to fix them. 

New Moons are generally a good time to set intentions for things you’d like to manifest. If you don’t already have an idea in mind, this list of the Capricorn New Moon’s characteristics might get you thinking.

Watch out for:


  • Being too hard on yourself. Capricorn’s qualities of discipline and ambition are great for getting things done. However, they can be taken too far sometimes. If pushing yourself past pain is not going anywhere productive, stop doing it.
  • Being too hard on others. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which can be judgy at times. You may think that there is one right way to do things, and you might be especially aware of how others are getting it wrong. This is an important moment to stay in your own lane and focus your efforts on improving yourself.


Get ready to enjoy:


  • Sensual pleasure. Capricorn definitely works hard, but it can play hard too. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is capable of enjoying the pleasures of the physical world. Knowing when to thoughtfully indulge can help you maintain your motivation to strive for a challenging goal.
  • Determination and focus. If you have a major goal in mind, the Capricorn New Moon is the perfect opportunity to begin or renew your commitment to meeting it. You’re likely to have the focus necessary to make it stick.
  • Freedom from distractions. The Capricorn New Moon may help you determine what’s worth worrying about and what’s not. With things that aren’t serving you consuming less of your attention, you’ll be equipped to pour your energy into your most important priorities.


Set an intention to manifest:


  • Clarity about a goal. Capricorn energy is great for moving you toward your goals. That said, if you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there. Sometimes the first step is deciding what it is you actually want to do! Contemplating, reflecting, and journaling are not wastes of time — they’re likely to help you figure this out.
  • A new routine. Capricorn represents the structure underlying our lives. If you’re considering a big change, the Capricorn New Moon is an opportunity to commit to the habits and routines that will make it possible.


Try these yoga poses:

For additional guidance on the best yoga flows for the New Moon in Capricorn, join the Astro Yoga Experience!



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