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What Is Saturn Retrograde?

astrology May 25, 2022

Saturn is known to be the barrier of Karma, and that’s just the beginning of Saturn’s slightly scary reputation. However, there are ways to work with this energy effectively — even when Saturn turns retrograde!

Saturn, which rules the ambitious sign of Capricorn, is known as the "Father" of all the planets. Saturn’s stern but loving guidance teaches structure, hard lessons, and discipline.

Saturn places pressure on us to get things done, complete the work, and maintain a sense of discipline through it all. Often, this pressure is placed on us at the most inconvenient of times. 

When we're under the pressure of Saturn, we may not even understand why it feels like the project, idea, or inspiration feels so urgent and important to complete. While uncomfortable and even untimely, Saturn only pressures us to do the things that are aligned with our soul purpose. 

Some people resist the pressure of Saturn throughout their entire lifetimes. As a result, they may feel unfulfilled and like they never found the courage to pursue their dreams. 

Like other planets, Saturn has retrograde periods, where it appears to move backward in terms of its relative position to Earth. When Saturn turns retrograde, we can expect to re-consider, re-do, and re-evaluate what we're doing and where we're spending our time. Is what you're working on now really in line with your goals? 

This is also the time where Karma is made and/or served, so it's a great opportunity to reflect on how "good" you've been recently. 

Don’t just look at the most obvious examples of your behavior. Have you been putting in the work toward your dream? Have you been consistent in your health and taking care of your body? Have you made good decisions with your finances? 

Watching how events play out during this period can also show you the consequences of your choices. Karma is here and ready to deliver exactly what you’ve earned! 

When is Saturn Retrograde happening in 2023? 

Saturn will be retrograde from June 17, 2023, until November 4, 2023. 


Things to avoid during Saturn Retrograde

  • Hiding from difficult tasks or responsibilities 
  • Rushing into commitments or decisions without time to reflect 
  • Breaking commitments 


Things to do during Saturn Retrograde 

  • Re-evaluate where you're putting your energy 
  • Make an action plan or list of "To-Dos" for the next steps toward your goals
  • Put in the work and stay disciplined in your actions
  • Take responsibility and learn from your mistakes 

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