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5 Ways to Make the Most of Virgo Season

virgo Jul 29, 2023


Getting the practical stuff of our lives in order could seem like an urgent priority during Virgo season. Although the Sun’s transit through this grounded Earth sign may alert us to many things that legitimately need to be done, staying calm might be the hard part!

The Sun is in Virgo from September 16 to October 16. The cutoff dates may vary slightly by year.

Virgo is one of two signs traditionally ruled by the communication planet Mercury. Because of that, Virgo is associated with the throat chakra, which also deals with communication. When out of balance, Virgo energy tends toward anxiety. Health matters are a common focus of Virgo worries. Achieving transformative insights regarding diet and exercise is possible during the Virgo season. However, discerning what is and is not under one’s control is key to working constructively with the influence of Virgo.

Read on to learn 5 ways to make the most of Virgo season!

1. Get organized

Virgo season is an excellent opportunity to clear clutter in your physical surroundings. You may be able to develop an organizational system that really fits your unique needs. However, handling any single item for too long can get you sidetracked. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good — sometimes you just have to put things somewhere!


2. Start a routine

Virgo energy is great for organizing your time as well as your physical environment. If you’ve had bad experiences with an authority figure imposing overly harsh routines on you, you might be a little resistant to the idea of giving yourself a routine or schedule. Don’t get caught up in trying to follow whatever system anyone else holds up as normal or ideal — try to identify what flows most smoothly for you, and then set up your schedule so you can have more of that.

For example, it’s common to hear that yoga should be done first thing in the morning. However, if you are just not a morning person, it’s better to do your yoga workout in the afternoon or evening than to not do it at all.


3. Fix something broken

Virgo, an Earth sign, is practical and grounded. If you’ve been avoiding something in your surroundings that’s broken, Virgo season might be a time to see what you can do to fix it. Your technical skills could be a little sharper than usual under Mercury’s influence. You may still discover that solving the problem yourself is beyond your abilities, but perhaps you’ll finally be motivated to contact someone who can take care of it!


4. Focus on your diet

In medical astrology, Virgo rules digestion. Your body will typically perform better with nutritious food as fuel, so Virgo season can be a great time to make sure you’re eating as healthy as possible.

That said, it’s also important to be realistic about what food can’t fix. If you are dealing with a health challenge that doesn't seem to be responding to dietary changes or other home remedies, there’s no shame in consulting a professional who is qualified to help you.


5. Try Virgo yoga poses

Some of the best yoga poses for Virgo season help with relaxing excess nervous energy. Although Savasana is often the crucial final step of any yoga workout, it’s especially necessary during Virgo season, when minds and bodies can be working in overdrive. The supine spinal twist is calming too, and it also stimulates the digestive system.

Astrological remedies to stay balanced during Virgo season.

  1. Wear an Emerald in a Silver ring on your right-hand little finger. Highly recommended for Gemini and Virgo natives and not recommended for Sagittarius and Pisces. 
  2. Keep a Rhodonite crystal for improving your love life.
  3. Recite the mantra “HAM” to improve your Throat Chakra.

To access full yoga workouts designed for Virgo season, join the Astro Yoga Experience!


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